Morning Sickness Remedies

Morning Sickness Remedies

Morning sickness is a combination of symptoms like nausea and vomiting sometimes accompanied by dizziness, backaches, headaches, lower abdominal cramps or constipation. It usually appears within the first trimester of pregnancy in the 4th or 6th week and most women don’t experience a full relief until the 14th week.

Morning sickness is normally the sign of a healthy pregnancy. According to a study published in the Journal – Obstetrics and Gynaecology showed that women who experience this unpleasant symptom have a lower risk of miscarriage, perinatal death and low birth weight. Morning Sickness Remedies

The causes of morning sickness not yet fully understood yet scientists believe that the most common causes are:

heightened sensitivity

increased levels of progesterone and Hcg hormone

weak digestion.

Although there is no universal remedy for morning sickness here are a few tips to lessen its irritating effects:

Avoid excessively heated places as they can often trigger nausea and open or turn on the exhaust fans when cooking for the same reason. To avoid dizziness try getting out of the bed slowly in the morning. Getting plenty of rest and avoiding stress are also important as symptoms tend to get more severe when feelings of fatigue, anxiety are present.

Your diet is essential for the effective management of morning sickness symptoms. It is recommended that you avoid spicy and fried, greasy food and it is better to eat several small meals and snacks during the day instead of 3 large meals. Try getting a protein rich snack before going to bed to keep your blood sugar at an appropriate level. Whole grain crackers are also a good choice for a snack or first thing in the morning. Also cold foods are a better alternative than hot foods because they have less smells.

Morning Sickness Remedies

Because smells are often the ones that trigger the symptoms it is important to control them as much as possible. The smell of a freshly cut lemon or grapefruit are usually effective in diminishing the severity of the symptoms and can even prevent them.

Essential oils such as lavender, ylang ylang, mandarin or tea tree oil are a good choices and using aromatherapy has the added benefit of promoting relaxation.

However it is important to know that certain essential oils like almond oil, turmeric, wintergreen, parsley, cinnamon or penny royal oil should be avoided as they are toxic.

Ginger tea and peppermint tea have also proved to be effective in reducing nausea. Ginger tea helps reduce nausea and settles an upset stomach. Peppermint tea can also aid digestion and calm nausea but because there are conflicting researches when it comes to drinking peppermint tea during pregnancy it is best to consult your physician before drinking it. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning might also help as it can neutralize excess stomach acid.