While pregnant your body is going through a bunch of unexpected changes.Now is one of the most important moments when you need to listen to both your feelings and needs of your body.
Eating healthy during your pregnancy is extremely important. People usually think that pregnant women can eat whatever and whenever they want, but studies show that it’s not true. Being pregnant does mean you should pay special attention to your nutrition. Don’t forget that your diet and pregnancy nutrition is now your baby’s diet and nutrition. This means you should stay healthy for two!
Magnesium, zinc, folic acid, the vitamin D and B12 are important as major benefactors in pre-pregnancy diets – in addition you should worry about your energy, proteins, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, calcium, iron, copper and iodine.
Of course you want what’s best for your baby.
Here’s what you should avoid eating while preggers and why
Even if seafood is a great source of protein, iron and Omega-3, some types of seafood contain mercury. Avoid swordfish, shark, king mackerel, tile fish.
Meat and poultry
Burgers, sausages, hot dogs and deli meats are to be avoided – they are sources of a rare but potentially serious food-borne illness like Listeriosis. Try cooking your meals using a meat thermometer.
Diary products
Mozzarella cheese, skim milk and cottage cheese can be a healthy part of your diet. But everything containing unpasteurized milk can be dangerous for you and your baby: feta, brie, camembert or blue cheese.
A large study published in 2020 show that 200 milligrams of caffeine a day during pregnancy may slow down fetal growth. Avoid caffeine as much as possible and switch to decaf while pregnant.
Even if one drink is not likely to hurt your baby, no level of alcohol has been proved safe during the pregnancy. Remember, no drinks while pregnant – consumption of alcohol can cause gross damage resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth!
Herbal teas
A large amount of certain herbal teas may cause contractions. Be sure you ask your OB before consuming.