Lose Belly Fat Diet: 3 Great Options

Lose Belly Fat Diet: 3 Great Options

Most diets to lose belly flat can only do so much and need an increase in exercise to really melt away the fat. Find out more about the best diets in the field, The Belly Flat Cure , The Flat Belly Diet and the Dr. Oz Belly Fat Diet , or try a more novel approach to the belly fat diet.

The Belly Fat Cure

Created by celebrity fitness trainer Jorge Cruise, The Belly Fat Cure promises to help you loose 4-9 pounds of belly fat every week. Controlling your intake of processed carbs and sugar is the key to this belly fat diet.

Giving up calorie counting is the biggest draw of this diet to lose belly fat, and the book describes a 5 week meal plan. Similar to the South Beach and Atkins diets, the Belly Fat Cure also includes a carbs-swap system, that helps control insulin levels and the results can be enhanced with certain exercises for the abs.

Lose Belly Fat Diet: 3 Great Options

The Flat Belly Diet

The promise of losing up to 15 pounds in 32 days and getting a flat belly is the main premise of this belly fat diet, created by Liz Vaccariello, editor-in-chief of Prevention and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, nutritionist.

With a 1600 calories per day restriction, the Flat Belly Diet resembles the Mediterranean diet, but its secret is the addition of monounsaturated fats in every meal. The MUFAs come from foods such as avocados, nuts, olives, seeds, soybean, dark chocolate and olive oil and sunflower oil. Eating every 4 hours is another important aspect of this diet, which can also include exercise.

Dr. Oz Belly Fat Diet

The Dr. Oz Flat Belly Plan is another popular solution and it consists of 4 steps. Dr. Oz advises that dieters should eat 6 ounces of low-fat Greek yogurt before every meal, because the calcium intake stops fats from entering cells.

The other steps of this belly fat diet include 3 MUFA meals a day, as in The Flat Belly Diet, reducing inflammation with anti-inflammatory snacks, from yellow bell peppers to dark chocolate and fighting bloat with ginger iced tea.

Lose Belly Fat Diet: 3 Great Options

Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat: How About 2 Diets in 2 Months?

Another way to lose belly fat fast includes actually combining 2 diets in 2 months. Moving fat away from the midsection may be easier by going on a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet plan for 30 days, followed by a diet high in monosaturated fat.

Excellent results for this type of diet to lose belly fat were shown by a 2020 study published in the scientific journal Diabetes Care. Following a traditional low-fat diet plan with a Mediterranean diet can be the way to go when you’ve exhausted other options.

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