Lucy Hale Covers Cosmopolitan September 2020 | Talks Body Image Issues

Lucy Hale Covers Cosmopolitan September 2020 | Talks Body Image Issues

Lucy Hale is considered as being one of the hottest young actresses in Hollywood. Besides, it seems that she has signed a record deal with a major label and will release an album next year. The Pretty Little Liars star strikes a sexy pose for Cosmopolitan’s September 2020 issue and sits down for a chat with the magazine dishing on her body image issues, her boyfriend, actor Chris Zylka, and many more. “I have no limits. I want to try everything,” she says. “I’m excited for people to see my different sides, because I know I am capable of so much and I want to show the world.”

Still, the gorgeous actress, who moved from Tennessee to California when she was 15, hasn’t always been so confident. Talking to Cosmo, she confesses that she used to struggle with body-image issues for about two years. “I’ve never really talked about this, but I would go days without eating. Or maybe I’d have some fruit and then go to the gym for three hours. I knew I had a problem… It was a gradual process but I changed myself,” Lucy reveals in the interview with the magazine.

Lucy Hale Covers Cosmopolitan September 2020 | Talks Body Image Issues

However, despite the difficult period, Lucy had the power to change. “It was a gradual process, but I changed myself,” she tells Cosmopolitan. And one of the things she had to do in order to overcome those problems was to handle the criticism that comes hand in hand with fame. “I realized you can’t listen to the positive or negative things people say,” she says. “You just have to follow your own track.”

Speaking about her friends, the young starlet admits she took the decision to be more selective. “I have been weeding out those who don’t better me,” she told the magazine. “Life is too short to surround yourself with people who don’t make you happy.”

On accepting the role in ABC’s Family drama ‘Pretty Little Liars’, the actress says that, “They had a script called ‘Pretty Little Liars’ and asked if I’d be in it,” Lucy recalls. She agreed and the rest is history. Her character, Aria, is the fan favorite, while the teen drama is the number-one scripted-cable show. But besides acting, Hale also wants to sing. “Growing up, all I wanted to do was sing,” she says. “It’s going to be fun going back to do that.”

Still, Lucy is not the type of girl to neglect her personal life. On her boyfriend, 27-year-old actor Chris Zylka, whom she met through their hairdresser, Lucy says that, “I was like ‘Holy crap, you’re gorgeous. …It was like no one else was there. We couldn’t stop talking.” Their relationship is based on trust. “Once you lose it, I don’t think you can ever get it back. Ever,” she says.

Lucy confesses that now she feels great and 100% confident. “I’m happy with who I am. It’s all about understanding who you are and what you have to offer, and I finally feel like I’m fully confident,” she told Cosmopolitan.

Read Lucy Hale’s complete interview in the September 2020 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.

Lucy Hale Covers Cosmopolitan September 2020 | Talks Body Image Issues

Photos courtesy of COSMOPOLITAN

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