Lush Easter 2020 Collection

Lush Easter 2020 Collection

The Lush Easter 2020 collection is bringing plenty of goodies so you can pamper yourself like a true diva! The lovely display of new Easter inspired handmade cosmetics that not only smell fantastic but are made with natural ingredients that will make your boudoir pampering session so much fun. There’s never a time that we don’t walk by a Lush store that we’re not swept off our feet by the aroma that’s just too irresistible, so when we caught a glimpse at the new range of products we were ecstatic.

Although a couple of the products are a bit familiar, being featured in previous Lush Easter collections we cannot but express our joy as we browse through the fabulously colored soaps and bath-bombs that were molded to suit the theme of the collection. Bath & spa products shaped like carrots, bunnies, hens and Easter eggs have tested our ability (and will test your ability too) to resist falling into temptation so, are you feeling a bit anxious about browsing through the new lineup? If so, these are the goodies that you’ll be able to enjoy:

Lush Easter 2020 Collection

Hoppy Easter £11.95 This is the perfect gift to give or receive as it packs 7 baths worth of goodies wrapped inside Lush’s signature Bunny Knot-Wrap. The set contains a Fluffy Egg and a Carrot reusable bubble bar, so just take your fave out and re-wrap the goodies until your next pampering session!

Lush Easter 2020 Collection

Easter Egg Hunt £3.40/100gr A fabulous Easter Egg Hunt soap that replicated numerous eggs peeking out of the green grass and if its color won’t win you over, its yummy raspberry scent will, so grab a piece for you and your family and make your own personalized soap-hunt!

Henata £4.50 Inspired by the piñata, the Henata will surely make your bath-time a delight, just smash this hen-shaped bath bomb to the side of your bathtub and your surprise: a citrus scent explosion, a mini ballistic egg and some adorable soap paper flowers!

Lush Easter 2020 Collection Lush Easter 2020 Collection

The Carrot £4.95 This is such a cool reusable bubble bar as it flawlessly replicates an Easter Bunny’s carrot and although not edible, its scent will conquer you (not carrot) tropical aroma created by Shakira using fruity essential oils such as buchu, lemon, and bergamot, just swish it around in the bathtub or hold it under the running water and lots of fragrant bubbles will uplift your spirit!

The Bridgeside £4.25 Love bubble bars? Then you’re going to love this one even more as its orange/yellow swirl coloration, mouthwatering citrus scent and foamy bubbles will easily get you buzzing about this large bath bubble bar! Break it in pieces for multiple use.

Lush Easter 2020 Collection Lush Easter 2020 Collection

Fluffy Egg £2.95 Once you drop this fabulous egg shaped bath bomb into your bath water you’ll feel like a princess taking a dip in sweet-scented pink candy-waters!

The Immaculate Eggception £6.95 Spiced up with grapefruit oil to help relax your mind, these fab egg bath bombs pack a surprise: just shake it and break it to reveal a cool chick inside the egg! Thrilled? We certainly were, so use chunks of it to pamper yourself while soaking in warm water or drop the whole thing in for an intoxicating scent that will totally get you hooked on the Eggception. This bath bomb is available in two shades, pink or yellow, so choose your fave as they’re both lovely!

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