Mahamudra Yoga Asana – How To Do And Its Benefits

Yoga has its own special ways of working out for the best of your benefits. While one may work on the internals to rectify minor damages, the other yoga might focus on the presence of mind and the calmness that it strives to derive. Yoga is a broad term submerged in some of the most significant free hand exercises that can be performed in the own confines of your room.

Slow paced and rhythmically placed on a base of deep breathing, yoga has its definite way of working up your body, thriving to give you a healthier body. Amongst the many various poses and posture, Mahamudra Yoga Asana is just another one of the yoga procedure which we will talk about in today’s article. Apart from the steps to performing this yoga, we shall also discuss the maha mudra benefits that can be achieved by performing this Yoga.

maha mudra 47

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How To Do It?

  • To start off, get your yoga mat ready. Now sitting with your back on the mat, make sure your legs are outstretched in front of you as you get in a relaxed position.
  • Now bend one of the limbs, say the left one all the way towards your groin so that the toe tip now touches the inner thigh.
  • The right leg should still be stretched and straight as you bend forwards, there by allowing yourself to permit your fingers to touch the toe tips.
  • Now exhale as you bend forward and lock the breath in. Once you attain the position, you ought to slightly turn your head backward and as you do so, breathe in air.
  • Now, Fix your gaze in a straight direction and now start performing the “Moola Bandha,” a pose where you should suck in your breathe so that your stomach gets sucked in and in turn reveal your ribs clearly.
  • Now, the main thing to look out for is to hold on to your breath for as long as possible without harming yourself.
  • At this point of time, you might also want to contract your throat muscles so that it doesn’t allow air to pass in or leave the lungs.
  • Once done, we shall continue with the posture releasing where we slowly tilt the head back down, straighten our legs and all throughout exhaling followed by deep breaths.
  • Once back to original stance, start with the next leg and repeat the procedure at least four times.

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Maha Mudra Benefits:

  • Body balance and eye to mind coordination are put to the test in this yoga where once you cut off your breath, your site might get a little bit woozy and also you may tend to lose your balance. Now, persisiting to hold on to the posture and going forth with the workout would help you strengthen your mind to sight cooperation and hence body balance.
  • This is a great breathing exercise that makes sure your heart and lungs are working at the right place. When the oxygen intake is cut off by holding on to the breath, the lungs might experience a significant pressure situation to work with the very little oxygen that they have retained. The heart also goes through a blood rush making sure all the clogged arteries are forced open.
  • The best benefit of Mahamudra is not limited regarding physical satisfaction, but also a considerable amount has been dedicated to the calmness and serenity of the mind.

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In Sanskrit, the word ‘mudra’ stands for certain hand gestures while the word ‘maha’ means ‘many’ or ‘great.’ The meaning of the latter implies the innumerable benefits this yoga possess. Either way, Mahamudra has been one of the most primitive yoga forms mainly focusing on meditation with controlled breathing.Maha Mudra is preferably best done in the morning, when the stomach is empty. It creates a pleasant ambiance for meditation practices, hence should be done before the start of meditation.In yogic scripture, it is considered to be one of the greatest postures as it includes all the three Bandhas. Persistent practice of this Yoga provides control and command over your mental and physical constitution. It has all the benefits of the three different locks combined in this posture. The benefits of Maha Mudra Yoga Asana are not restricted to physical body alone as it helps in enhancing the concentration power and increasing self- confidence. The practice of this yoga pose with perseverance will bring forth absolutely fantastic results.

Images Source: Shutterstock

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