Mamie Gummer Talks About ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’ Role

Mamie Gummer Talks About ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’ Role

Talent definitely runs in the family. With Grace Gummer recently scoring a role in the HBO ‘Newsroom’ TV series and Mamie Gummer as the leading actress in the ‘Emily Owens, M.D’ series, it is safe to say that Meryl Streep’s daughters have definitely inherited the right genes. However, despite their mother’s fame, neither Mamie Gummer nor her sister used it as a way to get in the industry. She has relied on her own skills to get ahead instead.

Mamie Gummer Talks About ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’ Role

Though getting in the spotlight and giving out interviews is in the nature of the job, Mamie doesn’t seek out attention. She is fully aware of the importance of being open with the media and thus makes efforts to improve:”I understand it’s part of the job, so I try not to be too guarded. I try to be open, but not completely laid bare,” she told Huffington Post. In a way, this is one of the reasons her role as Emily Owens fits her so well.

“She’s really smart, which rescues her when her heart and lack of confidence get her into jams. She’s very easy to embrace. I really love her!”, the actress stated. Her character feels somewhat stuck in high school and the possibility of reinventing herself is somewhat of a far-fetched idea. The actress jokingly says that she can relate to the feeling of not being one of the cool kids: “I’ve kind of blocked it out, but I have a good friend […] who affectionately reminded me that I was, yes, a dork. I was not a cool kid in high school.” 

Still, her character has plenty of things to compensate for the perceived lack of confidence: “She’s hopeful and optimistic and light and wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s a lot, a lot of fun to have license to slip up, you know. And it’s funny, too, because she is so together in some areas of her life. Like when she does key in, she’s really good at her job, and that’s really clear. It’s just all the other stuff she falters a little bit.” The awkward romance triangle is just one more thing that promised to keep viewers on the guessing and wondering what will happen next.

Unfortunately, the show’s ratings were disappointing and grim premises that announced the cancellation instantly broke out to the point that yesterday, even a news that CW has pulled the plug on the show emerged. Fortunately for concerned fans of the series, the rumors turned out to be false, so things aren’t as negative as it was previously thought. Hopefully, things will look out for the show and the upcoming episodes will take a turn for the better and viewers will get to appreciate it as much as Meryl Streep and Mamie Gummer themselves.

Mamie Gummer and sister Grace

Mamie Gummer Talks About ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’ Role

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