Most Common Fashion Mistakes

Most Common Fashion Mistakes

Expressing yourself and keeping up with fashion trends is good but keep in mind that not everything might work for you. Some clothes may offer some flattering advantages for your body while others might not.

It is important to know your style and to know what type of clothes are suitable for your body. This is hard to do because you might really like something but will not flatter your body at all.

Being fashionable is not just about wearing the latest fashion trends it’s about looking good in clothes as well.

Most Common Fashion Mistakes

Here are some fashion mistakes that you should avoid:

Don’t wear baggy clothes to hide your extra pounds because you will do exactly the opposite. Baggy clothes will add extra pounds to your figure. Wear what fits you exactly, not too loose and not too tight because that way you will look better.

Don’t wear pants that have the waistline too low and make your panties show when you sit down. If however you like wearing really low waist pants wear underwear that have low waist as well so they won’t show.

Don’t match your clothes too much. You don’t want to be dressed all in one color. Try to match the colors with other colors that work well so you will look more stylish.

Wearing unsuitable colors can create a pale look. Some colors are only suitable for certain skin tones so pick your colors carefully.

Old looking shoes and dirty shoes attract undesired attention making your outfit look unpolished. Keep your shoes in good condition because a nice pair of shoes can make a big difference.

Inappropriate makeup ruins even the most stylish outfit. It draws attention so try to keep your make-up clean and occasion appropriate. If it’s daytime wear light and natural make-up and if it’s evening you can go for darker eyeshadow and evening make-up.

Wrinkled clothes can make even the most beautiful outfits look bad. Quickly iron your clothes before you leave the house so your clothes will be nice and neat.

Wear age appropriate clothes. Wearing something that clearly doesn’t suit your style and age will make you look odd – see Mariah Carey.

Don’t over do it with the accessories. Many outfits just need a bracelet, a pair of earrings or a necklace, not all at once. Look in the mirror and if you think it’s too much take some jewelry off. Sometimes less is more.

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