Natural Facial Recipes for Blackheads

Natural Facial Recipes for Blackheads

Go natural in your fight against zits and blackheads. This is one of the first steps that would get you closer to a healthy and nutritive skin care routine. No wonder more and more specialists recommend the use of skin-friendly and green ingredients to handle the delicate skin problems. There’s no need for super-expensive elements and cosmetic treatments to cleanse your skin from blemishes, acne scars and other flaws.

The following natural blackhead facial recipes are here to help you rock out the transition from artificial to natural skin care. Pamper your pores with similar soothing treatments that will efficiently eliminate the excessive sebum build up and dead skin cells from the deeper layers of your complexion, keeping blackheads at a moderate distance. Check out this brief list of home facial recipes and use them with confidence in your daily or weekly skin conditioning schedule.Natural Facial Recipes for Blackheads


Targeted spot treatment together with full-facial treatments will do miracles with your complexion. In order to take full advantage of the healing power of this ingredient, all you have to do is pour a little amount of warm honey in a medium bowl.

The next step is to use your fingers to apply it on the affected sections or the whole face. Leave on the treatment for at least 15 minutes. Finally, rinse off the honey with lukewarm water.


Grapes are extremely rich in anti-oxidants, therefore, modern cosmetics use them as top notch ingredients in various skin conditioning products. This time rely on the healing power of fresh grape pulps. In order to achieve the desired result, apply the pulp on your face. Leave it on for at least 10-15 minutes. Wash off the natural juice with cold water to close the pores.

Turmeric Powder

It is one of the most efficient remedies to get rid of blackheads from your nose or chin. In order to make the fabulous home facial recipe, mix 1 tbs of turmeric powder with 1 tsp of mint juice. Create a fine paste and apply it on the affected spots. Leave the facial on for at least 15 minutes, then wash the paste off with tepid water.

Orange Peel

Make sure you explore the fabulous effect of citrus fruits in your green skin care routine. This time cleanse a medium sized orange and make a paste of the ground orange peel and a few drops of water. Apply the mixture on the perfectly cleansed skin and leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes. The results will be visible right after the first session. Use this facial recipe repeatedly especially if your skin is flooded with blackheads.

Green Tea

Use green tea as one of the magical weapons in your battle against blackheads. In order to make sure you restore the spotless health of your complexion, mix 1 tbs of ground green tea with a few drops of clear water. Create a fine paste you can apply on the delicate areas. Use the mixture as a scrub and start massaging it into the pores. Keep the facial on for at least 3-5 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Natural Facial Recipes for Blackheads

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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