Natural Homemade Skin Revitalizing Facial Recipes

Natural Homemade Skin Revitalizing Facial Recipes

The cold season has definitely left a negative mark on your skin if you haven’t paid as much attention to preventing damage from affecting your skin, so facial treatments are a definite must. There are a myriad of skin revitalizing facials out there that are ready to help boost the health and radiance of your skin. Your skin is like your calling card to make sure it’s in top condition if you wish to enjoy the benefits of youthful looking skin later on.

Constantly subjecting your skin to environmental factors without protection can result in irreversible damage, so if you’re not willing to fork over hundreds if not thousands of dollars on expensive cosmetic procedures to try to revive your skin, make sure you follow a rigorous skin care regimen. Weekly facial masks are necessary for maintaining the healthy look and elasticity of the skin, so here are a few homemade facial recipes to turn towards, as they are both inexpensive and beneficial for your complexion.

Natural Homemade Skin Revitalizing Facial Recipes

Honey Facial Recipe Honey is definitely beneficial for your skin as it helps moisturize the complexion leaving it looking and feeling soft and radiant. Mix a couple of tablespoons of honey with an egg yolk and a few drops of almond oil or olive oil and apply the mixture to your complexion for about 15 minutes. Use your hands to gently massage the mask in and rinse with lukewarm water.

Herbal Face Pack There are a variety of herbs that are known for their beneficial properties and lavender, chamomile and rosemary are definitely the most popular ones due to their antibacterial, anti-allergic and relaxing properties. Revitalize your skin and get yourself into a relaxed mood by placing a few dry leaves/flowers of all three herbs in a bit of boiling water for a couple of minutes. Allow the infusion to cool a bit before draining the water in a separate bowl and dipping a wash-cloth in the infusion which you’ll then apply on your face for about 10 minutes.

Clay Facial Mask Mix about one ounce of cosmetic clay with 4 tablespoons of rosewater and one tablespoon of jojoba oil (if desired) until you obtain an easy to spread mixture. Apply the mixture on your face avoiding the eyes and the mouth area and let it dry for about 10 minutes. Remove the facial mask with a sponge and lukewarm water and apply an intense moisturizer to avoid your complexion from drying out.

Cosmetic clay is known for its high mineral content which helps rejuvenate the skin in addition to providing detoxification, improving blood circulation at skin level and removing dead skin cells through exfoliation. Rosewater is rich in vitamins and flavonoids and has soothing and antibacterial properties that the skin can benefit from. Jojoba oil helps moisturize the skin while providing antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Yoghurt and Honey Facial Mix a couple of tablespoons of plain natural yoghurt with one tablespoon of honey and if you wish throw in a couple of mashed grapes for a boost of antioxidants. The yoghurt and honey mix will help cleanse and moisturize your skin while the crushed grapes provide the antioxidants that help rejuvenate the skin, making it look radiant.

Natural Homemade Skin Revitalizing Facial Recipes

Photos courtesy of Thinkstock

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