Olivia Wilde Covers Madison Magazine October 2020

Olivia Wilde Covers Madison Magazine October 2020

Olivia Wilde graces the cover of ‘Madison’ Magazine October 2020 and proves once again she’s not just another gorgeous face. Inside, the 27-year-old ‘Cowboys & Aliens’ actress talks about a wide range of topics, including the fact that she doesn’t like to be defined based on her looks alone.

“It’s not enough to be young and pretty in this business. Looks are temporary – and what’s amazing is how quickly you are not young in Hollywood. I’m 27 and already being told I am too old to play certain roles! When I was 23, I was already playing a doctor on ‘House’, and I am sure there were many older actresses who wanted to slit my throat! But Reese Witherspoon said a wise thing: ‘Funny doesn’t sag.’ So I am looking for roles that require more,” she states.

Wilde confesses that her mum Leslie, a journalist and ’60 Minutes’ producer, helped her survive in Hollywood. “Maybe it’s insanity, but I’ve always felt sure I would be able to make this my career and that I never had a reason to give up. That started with my mother. She wasn’t a ‘stage mum’ by any means. She wouldn’t let me act until I finished school. But she told me, ‘Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do it,’” the beautiful actress told ‘Madison’.

Olivia Wilde Covers Madison Magazine October 2020

Olivia is the hottest woman on the planet according to Maxim’s annual Hot 100 list. But how does she feel about all these titles and polls? “It’s a weird kind of pressure. When people see you in a bikini, they expect that you’re going to be this inhumanly hot thing! Of course it’s flattering when someone says nice things about you, but I hate having to defend a title I never asked for. Just because someone said I was the sexiest woman, I don’t want to feel like I always have to be sexy. I don’t live up to any sort of ideal. I don’t try to,” she confesses.

The actress also shares some fashion tips for the magazine’s readers. “My fashion tip is always be comfortable. That’s the most important thing. You can see it when someone’s not – they may have an amazing dress on, but they look miserable. A style icon like Kate Moss looks effortless and comfortable in whatever she’s wearing. That sets her apart from people who look like they have been stuffed into a sausage casing,” Olivia told ‘Madison’.

As for dieting, Wilde says that, “Extreme fad diets are terrifying. You’ve got to find that balance, and most of the time it’s portion size. Nobody realises you can be eating healthily, but if it’s giant tubs of salad… imagine how much you are consuming and how much salad dressing – it’s worse than if you’d had a sandwich. But my vice is chocolate. And bread. I love chocolate croissants. Paris is a very dangerous place for me!”

Olivia Wilde Covers Madison Magazine October 2020

When it comes to love, Olivia admits she’s the romantic type of girl. “I think I am striving for the ultimate love. I may be too much of a romantic, which may leave you endlessly unsatisfied, but I believe in it completely. And I know one day I will find it,” she says. “I don’t know how you find one! I have pretty high standards. They have to be smart. And interested, rather than interesting. Some people are not interested in anything or anyone else and that’s boring. And for me, a sense of humour is paramount: if they don’t make me laugh, it doesn’t matter how pretty they are,” the actress added.

You can read the rest of the cover story in the latest issue of the magazine or on Madison’s website.

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