Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde is definitely one of the hottest actresses in the business. The 27-year-old actress covers Allure October 2020 and sits down for a chat with the magazine, talking about her split from prince husband Tao Ruspoli, being single, weight gain, but also career and rumors regarding her personal life.

Speaking about tabloids that linked her with Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling, Chris Pine, and even author Salman Rushdie, Olivia told Allure that, “Isn’t that hilarious? I mean, in order to be dating all the people they think I am, I’d need four vaginas! It’s impossible!” Now she is single and says that, “I find that commitment is very relaxing, and the process of searching for a partner in life inevitably keeps you at this level of insecurity. You’re like this heat-seeking missile, just trying to figure out where to plug in.”

The beautiful actress admits that her divorce was “the most difficult thing I’ve ever dealt with.” Still, she has no regrets whatsoever as this experience helped her grow up. “I got married at a very young age, so I sort of jumped into a stage of adulthood prematurely. I learned quite a lot,” Olivia admits. She says half-laughing that, “I gained a lot of weight after my divorce, and there was this sense of, wait, hold on, you don’t look like you did before. Are you going to be up for the same roles? Do you need to be put in some sort of weird labor camp to lose all your weight?”

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia plays the mother of Justin Timberlake‘s character in the thriller ‘In Time’. On her role, Wilde says that, “We were rehearsing, and I remember the director saying, ‘No, stop! It looks like you’re going to make out.’ ‘Nope — that looks like you’re going to make out, too.’ We were like, ‘Oh, God’. I had to find a way to think of him as my son.” Therefore, the actress tried to defuse any sexual tension by picturing Timberlake as a toddler. “He’s got these incredible blue eyes, so I imagined him as a little baby Justin. And he was able to transfer a lot of his feelings about his mom onto me. We’re both total acting nerds.”

On some of the best advice of her career given by a casting agent, Olivia recalls that, “She was like, ‘A, people don’t wear turtlenecks here. B, why are you not showing any skin?’ And I said, ‘I’m not going to sell my body to get a role; it’s about the acting.’” Now, the actress laughs at her own innocence. “She was this very powerful, wise 60-year-old woman, but at the same time aware of how this business works. And she’s like, ‘Sex sells. Go put on a tank top,’” Wilde told Allure.

However, Olivia confesses that at the beginning of her acting career she accepted certain changes in order to conform to the pattern. “I went through this kind of A Star is Born transformation, where they made my hair very blonde, and I got very skinny, and I was like, ‘And now, I fit the mold! If I could tell young actresses anything, it would be to just be yourself through and through. I mean, really be hard-core about sticking to your identity, because what makes you unusual is what’s going to assure your success,” she states.

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Olivia Wilde Talks Divorce and Weight Gain in Allure October 2020

Photos courtesy of Allure

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