Ovulation Symptoms And Causes

Ovulation is the determination of your peak fertility period. Ovulation is used in regards to women who are seeking to have a baby with their partner. Ovulation is the most fertile period in which the egg is nestled in the wall of the womb awaiting to be fertilized, it is normal that just after this period of time your periods will begin. This particular phenomenon happens once a month and is the best period for you to get pregnant. The reason for the cause of ovulation is so that a woman can have a baby which is the biggest miracle of life. Anyhow this is the most fertile period for any woman so even if you do not want a baby at the moment unprotected sexual encounters may cause you to get pregnant.


Ovulation Symptoms And Cause:

This article educates you about what are the main causes and symptoms of ovulation which will help you to know what is your state when you are attacked by this ovulation.

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Causes Of Ovulation:

There are very few causes of ovulation mostly of which includes the pregnancy period of a woman and the embedding of the egg on the wall of the uterus. These causes are mentioned below for a further explanation:-

1. Pregnancy:

Pregnancy is one of the causes of ovulation; it is the peak fertility period of every woman around the world. Each woman has a separate unique fertility period though it will always occur once a month. It is the best period when a woman can try for having a baby with their partner in life. Pregnancy is a big deal so plan ahead before taking any such decision. You are about to bring a completely separate living being into this world so make sure you have everything in order to take care of your baby.

2. Embedding Of The Egg:

Another cause of ovulation is the embedding of the egg on the wall of the uterus. This fertilizes the egg to a certain extent and makes it ready for further fertilization. The embedding of the egg is a key point in ovulation as the egg will be fertilized and then evolve into a baby after a few weeks. Ovulation is a miracle that occurs in a woman’s womb every month and is the only way a baby can be formed in a woman. Just after this, a woman’s periods begin thus bleeding out the fertility inside that is the lining of the uterus. After this, in a period of 15 days, it is highly unlikely that a woman may get pregnant because it takes a period of 15 days for another egg to form.

3. Hormones:

Hormones in a woman are a key factor in their ovulation period determination. Hormones circulating from the brain tell the body and the key organs at a certain point in time that this is the right period for ovulation or in other words the right period for having a baby. Hormones play a key role in the functioning of our entire body and also play a key role in your ovulation.

These are the main reasons for the cause of ovulation, though they are few in number they still hold a strong hand in causing this ovulation period.

4. Menstrual Disorders:

Want to know about the cause of ovulation? Menstrual ovulation is one of the prime cause of ovulation. If a woman is facing menstrual disorders, then there is a high chance that she will also be suffering from the different symptoms of ovulation. This is one of the major emerging issues these days in the context of women health care and definitely shouldn’t be ignored. Among all the causes of ovulation, this is one of the most important ones.

5. Follicular Phase:

When a woman is passing or going through the follicular phase, then it is pretty natural that she will be experiencing the symptoms of ovulation. Among all the ovulation causes discussed in this article, this one might be the most predictable ones. Almost everyone is a victim of this cause and it can happen to almost any and every woman. The follicular cycle can be said to be the few days surrounding the ovulation. It means the most fertile stage.

6. Weak Hypothalamus:

The process of ovulation is basically controlled by the hypothalamus of the brain. This is one of the main ovulation causes. If a woman has a weak hypothalamus interaction, then it can easily trigger the occurrence of ovulation. Any woman can face ovulation issues if she has hypothalamus which is malfunctioning.

7. Bad Ovarian Cells:

Do you have foul ovarian cells (defected ovarian cells)? Then, you might be experiencing the symptoms of ovulation. This is one of the most potential ovulation causes. Out of 10, almost 8 women blame their ovarian cells for the ovulation issue.

8. Estrogen Levels:

During the follicular phase, the estrogen level drops down significantly. This can be one of the many causes of ovulation. Due to such a decline in the estrogen levels, there is a rush in the LH hormone levels. There is also a sudden rush in the follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH which can be one of the numerous ovulation causes.

9. Luteal Phase:

This is the phase when the follicle power is about to come to an end and during this phase, the follicle folds inwards on itself. It can one of the most probable causes of ovulation.

10. Other Cause:

This cause is associated with almost each and every disease. There are still some diseases and physical disorders (especially in the woman) such as ovulation, of which the doctors know very less about. That is why a lot of patients cannot even identify the cause of such physical malfunctions. These are the main reasons for the cause of ovulation, though they are few in number they still hold a strong hand in causing this ovulation period. There are quite a few symptoms of ovulation that play a strong hand in making you realize when this period is taking your body over. If you have the same symptoms at a certain point every month then it is highly likely that this period is the perfect period for your ovulation.

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Symptoms Of Ovulation:

There are quite a few symptoms of ovulation that play a strong hand in making you realize when this period is taking your body over. If you have the same signs and symptoms at a certain point every month then it is highly likely that this period is the perfect period for your ovulation. In other words, these symptoms help you to understand when the right period for getting pregnant is, the signs and symptoms of ovulation are:-

1. Cervical Mucus Consistency:

Your cervical mucus is a strong sign of ovulation. When you are not ovulating you will notice that the cervical mucus is creamy, white of completely absent but during ovulation the cervical mucus turns sticky and stretches for about an inch on your fingers. There is also an increased amount of mucus during the ovulation period thus giving you a valuable warning that this is the peak time to get pregnant.

2. Increases Sexual Desire:

Another way of determining your ovulation period is to determine which time of the month you feel more sexually active. The time of the month when you feel more desiring towards your partner is the best time to get pregnant as this is your ovulation period. This is because the body’s hormones are strong at this point pushing you towards getting pregnant. This concept may be stress-free but it is not always accurate therefore look to other symptoms also before carrying out with your plans.

3. Body’s Basal Temperature:

The body’s basal temperature is possibly the most foolproof method of determining your ovulation period. Your body’s basal temperature is your body’s temperature at rest therefore during your ovulation period your body’s basal temperature will rise a tenth to the degree thus giving you ample insight onto the fact that this is the best period for you to get pregnant. Keep a check on your body’s resting temperature every week to get the result you require. Do this for one month and you will get your answer for all the months combined.

4. Breast Tenderness:

Some women experience a certain type of breast tenderness during their period of ovulation this is because hormones are rushing throughout their body getting them ready for a positive pregnancy. Not all women have this though therefore it is not a foolproof way of ovulation determination but for the women that do have this symptom, it is a sure sign of ovulation. Breast tenderness is the way your breasts start to get ready for a baby. This is because a baby needs at least one month of their mother’s milk to stay strong. Mothers milk is full of nutrition and that help keep your baby well nourished. The breasts are a key point in ovulation determination for many women around the world and are used actively today as ovulation testing.

5. Pelvic Pain:

During ovulation, pelvic pain is one of the most probable outcomes. Most of the women deal with this symptom and it can be said as one of the most sighted and most important ovulation symptoms. If a woman is facing this particular symptom, then there is a high chance that he or she will be suffering from some other severe issues as well.
The pain generally originates from the side of the pelvis and the first and foremost symptom are the cramps. If a woman is already dealing with such issues then there is a high chance of her going down with other and more harmful symptoms of ovulation. Along with such pains, there is an unpredictable change in body temperature as well.
This symptom generally varies from woman to woman. Some might be dealing with slight pain and some might be experiencing severe pain.

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6. Abdominal Bloating:

Abdominal bloating is one of the most sighted ovulation symptoms. A woman will face abdominal pain when she is passing through the phase of ovulation. While ovulation, there might be chances that a woman will be facing some severe pains in the abdominal region. Woman of almost all ages face this symptom and it can be said as one of the most common among elderly women, especially.

7. Wet Feeling:

Ovulation can also be termed as high fertility. During ovulation, the cervical fluid becomes thinner day by day. When the final stage of ovulation approaches this fluid becomes extremely thin and this is one of the prime symptoms of ovulation. A woman will be able to detect through this that whether she is experiencing ovulation or not, as she can feel the liquid getting thinner. The body will function differently. When a woman is fertile, her vagina will feel wetter (lubricated). This will assist in having better sex and this is also one of the reasons behind the high sexual urge that a woman experiences during ovulation. However, the fluid will be somewhat different from the arousal fluid that the woman produces. Due to this factor, a woman will feel wetter almost 24/7. It will not just be during intercourse.

8. Nausea:

Mild nausea is often associated with ovulation. A lot of women face this symptom and it is a real discomfort for some people.

9. Spotting:

Among all the ovulation symptoms, the spotting can be said to be one of the most common ones. Women often notice spotting issues in the middle of the ovulation phase. This can be said to be one of the most disturbing issues of the modern days. A lot of times, women assume that the spots might be appearing due to the blood left after menstruation. If it happens frequently, then there is a high chance that the woman might be ovulating. This symptom is also common when the egg bursts.

10. Cervix Facts:

During ovulation, the cervix will be high, soft and open. This is one of the numerous ovulation symptoms. This generally takes place after the regular periods. One’s cervix will feel soft and sloppy as well. As the phase of ovulation comes closer, the cervix becomes more soft and gets high. The cervix will feel more open. You can figure out the condition of your cervix by checking with your clean hands and putting one leg up (or squatting position). You will have to reach inside your vagina and there will be a lump with an opening. A woman will figure it out by placing her hand around it. It will be easy to find out about the cervix condition when the final stage of ovulation approaches.

11. Other Symptoms:

There are still many symptoms of ovulation which cannot be easily detected. These symptoms are basically either not identified due to their complex nature or due to the lack of knowledge about this condition in women.

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