First Month Of Pregnancy Diet – Which Foods To Eat And Avoid

Your health and body becomes utmost important now. You may hardly even get to know if you are pregnant. The first month goes unnoticed. But, when you get to know, it is essential you start building a sturdy plan of action. Healthy food for first month pregnancy is a mix of cheese, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Here is a look into how your diet chart should look like.

1st month pregnancy diet

Importance of 1 Month Pregnancy Food:

Planning to conceive means to cut down on a lot of things. You need to cut down on your sudden street food cravings, your caffeine, sugar and even aerated drinks. We say this because once you decide to let the child take shape, then you need to understand that whatever you eat has an impact on the baby that is growing. It is through your food the baby grows and many of its organs take shape. Thus, plan your diet chart carefully, so that the baby and you receive the needed nutrients and dietary supplements.

First Month Pregnancy Diet Chart:

Start healthy from day one. Make no compromises here and follow the diet like a ritual. Take a look at some of the best food to consume during pregnancy and what can be avoided. What to eat in the first month of pregnancy is something one need not worry any more. We have put them here for you.

See More: Second Month of Pregnancy Diet

Food Chart for 1 Month Pregnant:

Take a look at what you need to eat in this period.

1. Folate Rich Foods During Pregnancy:

Substitute your pills with some healthy food. Folate-rich food is important for the proper growth of the embryo. Orange, green vegetables like broccoli, beans, eggs, potatoes etc. are foods that contain folate.

2. Vitamin B6 Enriched Supplements:

Vitamin is the most important supplement for pregnant ladies. Foods that contain vitamin B6 are very much essential as per 1st month pregnancy diet. It gives relief from vomiting, one big annoyance during pregnancy. Foods like peanut butter, bananas, salmon, and nuts are rich in vitamin B6.

3. Fruits Essential During 1st Month Pregnancy:

Fruits, without doubt, should feature in your best food for 1st month during pregnancy. In fact, it is a must at all times. Choose to go with one big bowl of apples in the morning. Top them with some nuts and a glass of milk for the side. As much as possible, avoid papaya. Apart from our advice, remember to consult your doctor for fruit friendly diet.

4. Iron-rich Foods Supplements:

Iron is like a pillar of support. Your 1st month pregnancy diet should contain iron-rich foods to ensure a constant supply of minerals. Consider eating oatmeal on a daily basis, and other food like chicken, beans, dry fruits, mutton. Rich source of iron implies a good flow of blood to both the baby and the mother. Remember to have two dates in the morning and at night.

5. Food Containing Sugar:

Do not overdo it though! Foods containing sugar can sure be added to the list. But go minimally on it.

6. Milk Products as First Month Pregnancy Food:

Milk products are easy to digest and so it is often advised by the doctor. It holds rich sources of protein like folic acid, vitamin D, calcium. In this aspect dairy products like yogurt and cheese can also be eaten sufficiently. Milk is yet another healthy option. Remember to drink one glass of milk daily.

7. Spinach for The Greens:

Dark green vegetables are high source of nutrients. Theright amount of folate or folic acid protects your baby from birth defects and chances of premature birth.

8. Citrus Fruit:

Citrus fruits are abundant with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to boost the immunity of the fetus. Lemons keep away influenza, the one common ailment during pregnancy. Include grapefruit in your first month pregnancy diet for a healthy development of the fetus.

9. Nuts:

A balanced diet is never complete without nuts. Munch on a healthy serving of nuts as your mid-morning snack. Nuts are rich in vitamin B and E. They are a good source of fat and of potassium, zinc and copper. Peanuts, almonds and cashews are rich in fat and are good sources of vitamins and minerals.

See More: Foods to Eat & Avoid in 1st Trimester Diet

10. Meat for Your First Month of Pregnancy Diet:

Many people do have an idea that meat is not at all safe for pregnant ladies. This is not true. Remember to keep away raw uncooked meat and sea food. There could be a risk of contamination. An occasional serving of meat is safe and there is no risk. You can remove the visible fat from the meat and precook the meat for some minutes.

Food Chart for 1 Month Pregnant: What Should You Avoid?

Here are some food you sure need to avoid.

1. Papaya:

This food can harm your baby during this period. It heats up the body which is not good now. It can lead to serious issue like miscarriage. Thus, it is better to avoid it.

2. Sea Food:

Certain sea food contains a high amount of mercury which is not good for the baby. So during first month pregnancy it is safer to avoid. Besides there are fresh water fishes which are safer.

3. Soft Cheese:

Soft cheese contains listeria bacteria. This is at best not to be consumed by the expectant mother.

4. Street Foods:

Hygiene sure is a concern! The unhygienic cooking atmosphere and ingredients can take a toll on your health and you maybe subject to infections and fever. Think healthy, eat healthy!

5. Processed Food:

We do not advice processed food either. Along with processed food, packets of juice, condensed milk are all best to avoid during this period. These types of processed food could be preserved for a long time.

6. Caffeine:

Limit the intake of caffeine. Some chocolates also contain caffeine. Be careful when you pick one. Caffeine is absorbed very quickly and then permeates into the placenta and fetus. It can seriously restrict fetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight of the baby.

Supplements to Take:

Here are some supplements to take during your first month of pregnancy

A. Folic acid: Begin with folic acid for a healthy start. 400mcg of folic acid is a recommended dosage. Folic acid should be taken even before conception and while you are pregnant too. It prevents neural tube defects. This can affect the brain and spinal cord. Folic acid is abundant in spinach, nuts and beans.

B. Calcium: This is important for healthy bone development for the baby. The baby will start to use the calcium of the mother if it does not receive adequate calcium supply. This can later have serious implications on the mother. Include this in your diet plan for first month of pregnancy.

C. Iron: The most vital of all, iron, is necessary for both the mother and the baby to carry oxygen.

Supplements to Avoid:

a. Vitamin A and E: Vitamin A is fat soluble and thus can accumulate fat in the liver. This accumulation will have toxic effect on the body. Vitamin E increases the risk of abdominal pain and premature rupture of the amniotic sac.

b. Black Cohosh: Black cohosh is a member of the buttercup family. It can however cause uterine contractions, thus inducing preterm labor.

c. Dong Quai: This is popular in the Chinese medicine. It is not advisable for pregnant women to consume because it may stimulate uterine contractions and will also increase the risk of miscarriage.

Since the first month of your pregnancy will go unnoticed, you may hardly see any weight gain happening. Once you start following a routine, a weight gain of three to four pounds is normal because your baby is tiny.

See More: Top Foods For Pregnant Women

Tips for 1st Month Pregnancy Diet:

  • Remember to drink plenty of fluids. Always stay hydrated.
  • Cut down on your junk foods. You will otherwise end up adding unnecessary calories and weight gain.
  • Your prenatal vitamins should be taken along with your diet.
  • Eating smaller meals at regular intervals is good and advisable.
  • Oily and spicy food can aggravate heartburn. Stay away from them.

Your first month is important, however, most of us do not really get to know. It is very essential to make sure you have a healthy journey. Always pack your bag with nuts and seeds. They at times can be a real savior.

Frequency Asked Questions And Answers:

Q1. How Much Water Should I Drink?

Ans: Drink about 2-3 litres of water a day, but take it slow. Do not take a vow to gobble up on day 1. Staying hydrated is really important.

Q2. Should I Cut Down on My Alcohol Intake?

Ans: Absolutely stay away from alcohol and tobacco. You might want to even stay away from air that lingers or carries the smell of it. It can harm and choke the lungs of the baby.

Q3. Should I Cut Down on Caffeine Entirely?

Ans: One to two cups is considered safe consumption. However, you need to consult your doctor on the right and safe intake of caffeine.

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