Vomiting in Pregnancy – Reasons and Home Remedies

We all know the perks of being pregnant. This is the time when every woman rediscovers themselves in their roles they will play ahead. From a daughter and a wife to a mother- the transition quite speaks for itself. She is the beholder of a new life to be brought on this earth, she is the shelter her new one gets, she is the one who shares her everything with her new part of life but pregnancy is always not this beautiful since there are times when a woman has to go through a lot of troubles and pain and one of this is the vomiting sensation during pregnancy.

What Is Vomiting Sensation During Pregnancy:

The article will give you an insight into all that you need to know about vomiting during pregnancy. Almost all women who had been privileged enough have gone through their fair share of morning sickness in their early pregnancy years and it sure is pretty normal. This ‘sickness’ which is a form of nausea, evokes the feeling of vomiting or actually makes the woman feel the need to barf, usually early morning although it has no specific timing.

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What are the Causes of Vomiting in Pregnancy?

A woman changes a lot during her pregnancy. If this is her first time she is worried, vulnerable and tender. She reacts easily to her surroundings. Even if she is experienced an emotional spike during these months is surely inevitable. There is no specific set of causes kept aside for this problem, although it is suspected that the main cause for this maybe because of the hormonal changes a mother goes through in her early pregnancy days.

It may also be the physical changes, the responsibility of carrying a new one in her womb, sharing with it every problems and solution. All these sudden changes may lead to a nauseating feeling that may lead to vomiting sensation. But doctors determined yet some other causes such as stress, estrogen or even HCG which is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone which rises in excess during this time.

Although it is a common process, for some Vomiting lasts for the first few days and for some it lasts till the due date. This is because the different body reacts differently to their hormonal and physical changes. But there are some particular reasons as to why they occur to some women more than the others. The chances of vomiting automatically increase when the woman is pregnant with twins or maybe because of a girl child she is carrying. Even young mothers who are going through this process for the first time due to stress or lack of coping up with the changes might fall prey to this morning sickness. It may also be a hereditary thing.

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When Does Vomiting Start In Pregnancy:

In which month of pregnancy vomiting starts? That’s a crucial question. Many pregnant women, along with vomiting, experience morning sickness. Typically, this starts during the early days of pregnancy. It does not necessarily have to happen in the morning, you may feel nauseated at any time of the day. Nausea is an early sign of pregnancy and begins about 4 to 6 weeks, or around the time of the periods that you will miss. Nausea will go away after your first trimester.

  • Changing the eating patterns can give you some relaxation from nausea. Here is what you can eat after vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Before getting out of food, you could much on some cereal, toast, crackers and other dry food. This will help in treating morning nausea.
  • You could also eat some cheese, lean meat, or any other snack that is protein power-packed edible before your bedtime.
  • Drinking lots of fluids all at a time is not recommended. So, after you vomit, you could sip on fresh fruit juice, water and ice chips the entire day. Take in lesser quantities.
  • To the extent possible, avoid fried and spicy food.
  • You could think of eating small meals every three hours rather than all at once as three-square meals a day.
  • Keep away from foods that have a powerful odour. If the smell bothers you, it is at best you don’t take it. Cold food or food at room temperature is good to go.

Will It Harm the Unborn?

Absolutely not! Vomiting is a natural process and a mild case of this does not harm the child inside. It is just the mother getting used to the body’s changes so that the child doesn’t feel any problem later. This natural process required us to keep our nutrients in our body so as long as we can keep some food in our stomach; it is not really a concern. If the prolonged vomiting is too much and is making the body weak then a doctor consultation may be sought. This may be a sign of premature birth or the baby’s health may then be compromised.

How To Cure Vomiting During Pregnancy:

We don’t fight the natural process, but if it is necessary certain prenatal medications against morning sickness can be availed.

  • If holding your food in is a problem avoid full meal diets. Keep eating a lot but in small quantities and many times. This way the food can easily be digested and at the same time can be kept in.
  • Your body needs to be well hydrated. Drink adequate water. This may also be replaced by beverages, juices; protein shakes etc.
  • If you don’t want to wake up in the crack of dawn and sprint to the bathroom, keep some snacks handy by the bedside and nibble on one of them in the morning and rest for a while before waking up. This might help too.

How to Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy?

We have some of the best remedies here. Although we cannot stop this sickness we do have some home remedies and medications to cure them.

1. Water Consumption:

To be a mother who is suffering from morning sickness, nausea and vomiting are advised to sip a glass of water every hour. It reduces the symptoms from occurring and also keeps the mother hydrated, which is extremely vital for pregnant women. Keep water beside the bed. Keep drinking throughout the day.

2. Ginger:

Ginger is known to be the cure for general nausea and it remains unchanged for vomiting in pregnancy. It is good for the digestive system. The flavour and smell also help to get over vomiting sensations. Chew on a small piece of ginger to get relief. Juice of ginger mixed with honey can be taken early in the morning.

3. Lemon:

Vitamin c in the lemon is very good for pregnant women and the baby. The smell of lemon has a calming effect on the body, which reduces nausea and vomiting. Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and honey and drink it. Smelling lemon peels can help alleviate nausea. Keep a lemon essential oil handy. Just a puff of it through handkerchief also helps.

4. Curry Leaves:

A juicy extract from curry leaves can be mixed with lime and sugar and consumed by pregnant women suffering nausea and vomiting. Have this concoction for about two-three times a day.

See More: Vomiting During Pregnancy

5.  Peppermint:

Peppermint is filled with anaesthetic properties. It calms the stomach and reduces nausea. Consumption of peppermint tea or inhale peppermint essential oil from a cloth. You can even consume some peppermint candies.

6. Fennel:

Fennel seeds also have anaesthetic qualities that can soothe the stomach and prevent vomiting. It gives fast relief from morning sickness. Chewing of fennel seeds after meals will help the fast digestion of food. Some people also add fennel seeds to their tea. A herbal concoction of fennel seeds, honey and lemon juice is just as effective.

7. Cheese:

Various studies show that the consumption of high protein food helps in reducing symptoms of nausea and sickness. Protein helps in regulating blood sugar levels. Cheese is a good option for pregnant women. You can eat any type of cheese or make a salad with fresh fruits and vegetables.

8. Visit A Doctor:

If you visit a doctor for your nausea and vomiting problems, he may suggest you take some vitamin B6 supplements. This vitamin doesn’t harm the fetus and is safe. A typical dosage is 25gms thrice a day. You can also increase consumption of vitamin B6 rich food like avocados, bananas, corn brown rice and nuts.

The term morning sickness is misleading. It definitely does not mean nausea in the morning. In fact, nausea can occur at any time of the day, even in the midnight. It varies greatly from one woman to another. For some, nausea could be a serious discomfort in the morning and as the day progresses, it starts to get better. While for others, the intensity will be milder. Therefore, vomiting sensation during pregnancy is common and is a good sign. You can breathe a huge sigh of relief post the 14th week or around the same time.

However, it might often visit you throughout the pregnancy period. Mild and moderate nausea will cause no harm to the baby. Prenatal vitamins are usually taken when nausea begins to prevent you from consuming a balanced diet. However, watch out for severe nausea. This could potentially last longer. In such a case, there is a greater risk of preterm birth or low birth weight. Vomiting tablet during pregnancy should normally be suggested by the doctor. However, promethazine and cyclizine are commonly consumed.

Keep in mind that vomiting during pregnancy is not necessarily a healthy sign. Women who have had vomiting sensation during pregnancy still suffered miscarriages. So in case you are not suffering from nausea, you are actually blessed!

Although morning sickness is harmless in 9 out of ten cases, proper precautionary measures must be undertaken. These home remedies should also be kept handy to cure the symptoms of vomiting sensation during pregnancy. If the sickness is continuous or severe, the gynaecologist should be consulted.

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