Quick and Natural Breakout Remedies

Quick and Natural Breakout Remedies

It’s not necessary to dive into the multitude of cosmetic formulas and damage your skin with various chemical ingredients that can easily trigger an allergic reaction. Instead, keep your skin care routine free of artificial elements and rely on the soothing and healing effect of natural means. The quick and natural breakout remedies presented below will furnish you with the life-saving solutions to restore the spotless health of your complexion.

Creating these green recipes will allow you to take full advantage of the power of different homemade ingredients you can find in every household. Explore the multitude of facials that ease your pain and heal even the most severe breakouts. It’s time to pull out all your tricks and revolutionize your skin cleansing and conditioning rituals following the instructions below.

Coconut Oil

The fatty acids from the coconut oil will have a soothing and nutritive effect on your complexion. Apply the natural juice to the breakouts and leave the treatment on for at least 15 minutes. The best time to apply it would be after you take a shower and your pores are open. Finally, you can rinse off the coconut oil with lukewarm water. Include this ritual into your skin care routine as it will not only banish your skin problems, but can also moisturize your complexion.

Quick and Natural Breakout Remedies

Tea Tree Oil

Use this natural remedy to guarantee the best conditions for a spotless complexion. Tea tree oil is the most widely used lotion to heal breakouts. It should be diluted with a few drops of clear water, than applied on the pimples.

A similar green treatment will have the power to remove all the bacteria from the pores and provide the skin with a protective shield against the various skin enemies.

White Vinegar

Pour some white vinegar into a medium bowl and use a cotton ball to soak in the lotion. Rub the affected spots with this treatment and leave on the vinegar for at least 10-15 minutes. Then finish up your skin care session by rinsing off the lotion with cold water. The different types of vinegar are some of the most powerful ingredients to fight acne, therefore it is highly recommended to have them at hand when preparing a soothing facial.


This element, rich in anti-oxidants, will immediately reduce the inflammation and redness produced by breakouts. Use 1 tbs of dried yeast and mix it with 2 tbs of lemon juice. Cleanse your face from the dirt and other cosmetic residues, then apply the treatment on the face. Leave the facial on until it gets hard. You can wash off the mask with warm water or you can easily peel it off.

Quick and Natural Breakout Remedies

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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