Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020

Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020

One of the sexiest men alive, Ryan Reynolds covers Details Magazine June 2020 issue and talks dating and his ex-wife Scarlett Johansson. There have been a lot of rumors circling the split of this hot Hollywood couple, but so far none of the two came out to shed some light over the entire thing. Ryan and Scarlett married in 2020 and ended their marriage two years later, leaving the media out on a frenzy as the reason for the split was not publicly displayed, leaving behind several questions.

Soon after the split, rumors started flooding the media, but the two still didn’t confirm or deny them to shed some light over the entire situation. Everyone was shocked by the couple’s decision and their grip of privacy and this made the subject even more attractive for the rest.

Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020

Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020

Finally, after the two seem to have moved on, as Scarlett is now rumored to be dating Sean Penn, Ryan decides to shed a little bit of light over their decision to split. Ryan told Detail in an exclusive interview that the speculations in the media at the time of their split were incorrect. He said: “What was happening privately was the exact opposite of what was being reported. There was no story and no scandal, so the narrative was just created for me. That was the most disturbing part. I wasn’t angry. I absolutely predicted every beat of it. There’s an entire economy around this sort of thing—therefore it’s gotta happen one way or another. There was a time, though, when looking at the Internet was a miracle cure for feeling good about myself.”

Ryan and Scarlett’s split was amicable, to everyone’s surprise, as most of the time Hollywood splits are filled with drama and scandals. Not the case here, and probably this was the reason why people were so interested in finding out what happened inside their home. Apparently, there is a high amount of respect hovering over the two, mutual respect as Ryan doesn’t throw the tiniest bad remark with regards to Scarlett and their relationship. He said:

“Departing a relationship and still maintaining the idea that this is still the same person I married is a great luxury that I experienced. Thankfully I was in a relationship where two people chose to remain on the high road in every regard.”

Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020 Ryan Reynolds Talks Dating and Scarlett with Details June 2020

Ryan has always kept his private life private and was never too keen on letting his things be shredded to pieces by the media. This is one of the reasons he doesn’t give details with regards to the divorce, but does open-up about the pain of separation. “Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain, but you come out of it. I’m not out of it yet. At all. But I sense that as I do come through it, there’s optimism. How can there not be? I don’t think I want to get married again, but you always reevaluate these things. Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up. I gotta say, I’m a different person than I was six months ago.”

Although Ryan is not ready to date yet, we hope he finds the right lady as he is just a gentleman. Living in the spotlight is definitely no easy task, but Ryan is doing great and we just can’t wait to see him do his thing on the big screen.

Source: details.com Photographer: Matthias Vriens-McGrath

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