Say Good Bye to Dark Inner Thighs with Home Remedies

In spite of being having good figure and fair skin colour you are scared to wear micro minis, swim suits or bikinis as you have dark inner thighs. This is a persistent problem for both men and women. Dark inner thighs is found mostly in obese people as their thigh skin rubs with each other while they are on move leading to dark inner thighs. Apart from that excessive sweating between the thighs, usage chemical products, exposure of harmful sun rays, shaving or using bikini hair removal cream, excess of exercise and certain medication can be other causes of inner dark thighs.

lighten dark inner thighs

As this part is most ignored or unattended part of the body, but now if you wish to bring it back to its original colour , then use some helpful natural remedies and once again look alluring and sensual

How to Remove Dark Skin Between Thighs:

Here are some tips to get rid of dark inner thighs fast.

1. Application of Lemon Juice to Whiten Inner Thighs:

Lemons are the best natural skin lightener and a bleaching agent which can be used by every skin type by mixing some other ingredient to it. The acidic properties of the lemon remove pigmentation and surely lighten the dark inner thighs:

Process of Application:

Cut the fresh lemon into two half and start rubbing on the dark inner thighs and slowly squeeze juice by fingertips while rubbing on the affected area. Do this for 5-10 minutes and leave for 15-20 minutes, clean it with water. Try to use this daily see difference it a week.

If you have sensitive skin then squeeze two lemons juice in a spray bottle and mix equal amount of water in it. Shake the bottle before use and spray on the inner thigh area and leave for 15-20 minutes, clean it with water.

If you excessive dry skin then mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, glycerine and one teaspoon of fresh rose water and make a pack. Apply at before bedtime leave it overnight and clean it on next day.

2. Amazing Coconut Water to Lighten Inner Thighs:

This miraculous coconut water keeps electrolyte levels perfect in the body and nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. It removes dark patches cleans the dark inner thighs very easily. If possible drink daily one coconut water and it keeps the skin hydrates and detoxifies the body.

Process of Application:

Take some amount of coconut water and apply on the dark inner thigh area and once it again get dries apply once again. Repeat this for 4-5 times and as it is water if nit required you can leave it like this or wash it after half an hour. Use daily for effective results.

3. Baking Soda, Milk and Honey to Lighten Dark Inner Thighs:

How to lighten inner thighs with baking soda-Baking soda exfoliates the skin and removes the dead cells skin that has caused darkness on inner thigh. Honey keeps the skin moist and work as natural astringent.


One tablespoon of baking soda and honey, milk to make a smooth paste.

Process of Application:

Mix baking soda, honey and o make add milk to make a smooth paste. Then apply in dark inner thigh area and run gently in circular motion. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and clean it lukewarm water. Apply thrice a week for effective results.

4. Starchy Potatoes to Whiten Dark Inner Thighs:

You have consumed potato to enhance your taste buds but now these starchy raw potatoes can remove dark inner thigh area.


One raw potato fresh juice

Process of Application:

First clean the inner thigh area and apply raw potato juice on them. Allow it to get dry and once again the juice for 4-5times with finger or cotton ball as your desire. As it is starchy white layer is visible once it get dry then wash it water and use daily and see the changes.

5. Sandalwood Powder and Cucumber for Dark Inner Thighs:

Since decades sandalwood is used to make you look fairer and cucumber is bleaching agent remove the dark patches from inner thigh region.


One tablespoon of Sandalwood powder, Fresh cucumber juice to mix and few drops of lemon juice.

Process of Application:

Mix all the three ingredients and make a smooth paste and apply on the inner thigh area. Gently massage it for 2-3 minutes and allow it to get dry. Clean with water and apply it thrice a week for a month and see the miracle happening.

See More: Tips to Get Rid of Dark Knees at Home

6. Wonderful Almonds for Inner Thigh Darkness:

This small almond is s good source of Vitamin E and it consumption and application brighten the skin tone. If possible consume 4-5 almonds on regular basis and see difference in the skin tone.


Take 10-12 almonds and take a coarse powder, one tablespoon of milk and honey.

Process of Application:

Make a mix of these three ingredients and apply on the dark inner thigh area and rub it for 5-10 minutes. Then allow it get dry or leave it for 10-15 minutes and as you start washing the mask see the skin gets lightening. For effective results use 3-4 times a week.

7. Fruity Orange Peel and Honey to Treat Dark Inner Thighs:

The orange peel is a natural bleaching property and easily removes damaged skin cells which cause darkness in the inner thigh area.


2 tablespoon of orange peel and some honey

Process of Application:

You can easily get orange peel powder in market or dry some orange peel in the sun, once it fully dried grind them to make a fine powder. Take 2 tablespoon of powder and honey and mix it well to make a paste. Apply on the dark inner thigh area and rub it for 5-10 minutes and allow it gets dry then gently scrub the area with fingers clean it water. For effective results use 2-3 times a week.

8. Magical Turmeric and Orange Juice for Inner Thigh Darkness:

Turmeric restricts the growth of melanin production and orange juice acts as bleaching properties thus cleaning the dark inner thighs smoothly.


Two tablespoon of turmeric powder with fresh orange juice to make a paste.

Process of Application:

Mix both of them and make a smooth paste and apply on the affected part. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and clean the part with warm water. Possible do this daily and see the drastic changes.

9. Paste of Oats, Honey and Curd to Treat Dark Inner Thighs:

Oats helps in exfoliation where as curd has natural lactic acid which removes dark spots and honey is rich in antibacterial properties.

One tablespoon oats, curd and few drops of honey

Process of Application:

Make a paste of all the three things and apply in the dark area. Slowly massage the area for 5 minutes and allow it to get dry. Then scrub it and wash it with water. Do it alternate days and see changes on a fortnight.

Apart from these remedies follow some additional tips:

  • Follow proper hygiene and be patient while using these products as they might take some time than other cosmetic products.
  • Eat healthy food and fruits and drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
    Use chemical free soap and protect the thigh from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen lotion.

Now you can try these tips and remedies, get rid dark inner thighs naturally instead of using any cosmetic products.

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