Selena Gomez Blames Junk Food for Health Issues

Selena Gomez Blames Junk Food for Health Issues

The news that Selena Gomez was rushed to the hospital the previous week got everyone worried and soon speculations flooded the media with regards to the reasons behind her hospitalization. Some people speculated Selena was pregnant, others said it was blood pressure that gave Selena trouble, but the fact is it was just a case of “malnutrition” as Selena states. Selena Gomez blames junk food for her health issues and she definitely wants to do something about this.

People were very concerned about the Disney star, including her boyfriend Justin Bieber who tweeted to his fans #getwellselena, but fear not as she is doing just fine right now. Selena took a break for a few days so she could rest and recharge her batteries, but blames junk food for her troubles.

Selena Gomez Blames Junk Food for Health Issues

For celebrities image is everything and the pressure to look perfect is immense, so no wonder that many celebrities ended-up suffering from eating disorders. However, Selena Gomez claims she does eat, the problem is she doesn’t eat right. We live in a world where processed food has taken over and eating right has become a challenge. Selena is aware that her easting habits are not doing her good as she admitted in an interview on Kidd Kraddick’s radio show on Texas on Thursday:

“I do eat. The problem is I don’t eat right. I love everything that’s possibly not good for me.”

Because our body needs vitamins to function properly, Selena added vitamin supplements to her diet, to ensure she gets all the nutrients she needs to stay healthy. According to her statement, her mom makes sure she takes her vitamins on time, saying: “She’s definitely shoving vitamins down my mouth and following me around. But at the same time, I was a stubborn kid, so I got to eat whatever I wanted. I have to have creamed spinach or cheese on my broccoli. I have to have something that makes it not healthy.”

Everyone has guilty pleasures and apparently Selena has got a sweet tooth as she loves to give herself a treat especially when she’s watching a movie. Apparently, Selena loves M&M’s Kit Kat’s, Snickers and Goobers, so she definitely enjoys the same things as everyone else. Now Selena is watching more what she eats and says she feels much better. We wish her all the best and hopefully she’ll have a positive impact over other kids who are not eating healthily.

Selena Gomez Blames Junk Food for Health Issues

Photos courtesy of Getty Images, PR Photos

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