Snooki Shows Off New Post Baby Body

Snooki Shows Off New Post Baby Body

Snooki has shed her baby weight and is now looking better than ever. Getting a fab post baby body isn’t easy, yet the ‘Jersey Shore’ star worked hard to be where she is today. Since giving birth to her son in August, the star has managed to lose more than 40 pounds by adopting a healthy weight loss plan and she’s now she’s now proudly showing off a svelte new figure. It seems that motherhood truly had a positive impact on her as she seems to have developed much healthier habits than in the past.

Snooki’s new body is the result of a healthier diet, cutting down on booze and, of course, working out. While the star didn’t reveal too much about her healthy eating plan as whole aside from posting various healthy meals on her Twitter account, she did make it quite clear that her disciplined workout routine is something she truly enjoys. Though some might say that seeing Snooki as the poster girl for healthy lifestyle is too much of a stretch, her recent tweets definitely point somewhere in that direction.

Snooki Shows Off New Post Baby BodySnooki Shows Off New Post Baby Body

Her recent tweets are surprisingly workout-centric “Nobody wants to go to the gym with me cause its raining” or “Cardio keeps me sane.” Her Memorial Day weekend was also filled with activity in addition to time spent with her son Lorenzo: “While everyone’s getting wastey pants for mdw (Memorial Day weekend), my ass is doing cardio at the gym and LOVING it.”

While many have doubted that the star has any inclinations towards motherhood, she confessed she really loves her new role and that she grew up a great deal since the show that made her famous was aired: “I was 21 when the show came out. So basically I was just growing up. I did crazy stuff when I was 21. Drinking, having the time of my life, and now to where I’m settled down, 25 years old, I have a child, and I couldn’t be any happier. I love being a mom.”

She seems to be loving her new role so much that she’s already thinking about having more kids in the not so distant future: ‘I want three more kids and I would love to have one now but my house isn’t ready,’ she stated.

Snooki Shows Off New Post Baby BodySnooki Shows Off New Post Baby Body

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Photos: Snooki Twitter, Instagram, Getty Images

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