Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Lack of exercise, a less than perfect metabolism, satisfying your sweet tooth more often than you probably should, late night snacking or other ‘sinful’ food choices are perhaps the most common causes the majority of us identify in the area of unwanted weight gain. While these factors might be generally applicable, other less known factors might also be to blame. From lifestyle choices to certain medical conditions, diet busters seem to be everywhere. Here are a few quick examples:

Going on holiday While the holiday season is everyone’s favorite, your waistline might beg to differ. That’s because the relaxed attitude we tend to have when it comes to our schedule is also reflected in our eating habits. Calorie counting and relaxation just don’t go together, so it is quite natural to let our guard down so to speak. However, boosting your activity level and being mindful about portions is an easy way to combat this unwanted effect.

Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Lack of sleep Cramming for exams or working late might not seem habits that influence your weight too much, yet insufficient rest can really wreak havoc on diet. Both lack of sleep and sleep apnea can change the hormone levels in your body making you more likely to store fat. Not only that, but it might also make you indulge in unhealthy cravings. In addition, some researches even indicate that one extra hour of sleep might help you shed 14 pounds per year.

Certain conditions Diseases such as hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome can all make matters worse. Getting tested annually can really help you uncover some of the possible underlying issues that might explain why you are having trouble reaching your goals.

Depression Some people might lose their appetite when faced with challenging situations in their lives. However, the opposite thing can happen also, as many people might pay less attention to their dietary habits. Moreover, taking antidepressants can make matters a little worse as some can alter the metabolic rate, encouraging greater food intake.

Low fat foods Think low fat foods are a dieter’s best friend? Well, not necessarily as they are not necessarily low calorie or healthy. In addition, these can be rich in high fructose corn syrup, which is another factor that can contribute to weight gain. Focus on fiber rich foods that offer a sense of satiety without too many calories. And don’t restrict healthy fats from your diet, because a deficiency in fatty acids can also sabotage weight loss efforts.

Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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