Symptoms of Fibroids

Benign tumors of smooth muscle tissues that are formed on the layer of the uterus are known as fibroids, or Leiomyoma. They typically occur in the later years of reproduction. Finding a malignant version of this tumor is very rare and is termed as a Leiomyosarcoma. For a tumor to be malignant, it has to invade its neighboring tissues or metastasize. Since Leiomyoma does not possess any of these qualities, it is a benign one.  Fibroids make periods and sexual intercourse very painful and it is also responsible for frequent urges to urinate. Tiny fibroids are usually asymptomatic and the symptoms depend on the size and lesion. Symptoms of having such fibroids include,


Gynecological Hemorrhage:

This is nothing but excessive bleeding from the vagina. Sometimes it can also be internal (bleeding into the pelvic region, forming a hematoma). In general cases, they are abnormally heavy bleeding during periods. As a result, some women develop anemia, interfering with mood and energy level. Clots are also prominent in these cases, when having periods.

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Difficulty in Conceiving:

Although there are various and a vastitude of factors that could be responsible for not being able to conceive, fibroids sometimes pose a major difficulty. They are also responsible for miscarriages, premature birth and bleeding during pregnancy. In extreme cases, they can also lead to infertility.

Painful Sex:

Fibroids can make intercourse very painful. It happens when the fibroid growth is near your cervix. The pain can be the strongest during a particular position while having sex or during a particular time in your menstrual cycle. This is one of the most important symptoms.

See More: Hemorrhoids Causes

Pelvic Discomfort:

Women who have large fibroids often tend to feel heavy around the pelvic region and a constant pressure on their lower abdomen. It is more of a discomfort than a strain. Bending down, stretching from your waist level is not without discomfort in such situations.

Pressure While Defecating:

Fibroids can push against the rectum creating a pushing sensation, making bowel movement difficult and can be accompanied with pain. Hemorrhoids can also occur in such situations.

See More: What Is Gout And Its Symptoms

Bladder Issues:

Possibly the most common symptom is the urge to urinate frequently and not being able to hold the need for too long. This happens when the fibroid presses against the bladder. This reduces the bladders control and capacity over holding the need to urinate. Sometimes it can also block the liquid release itself.

Backaches and lower pelvic pain is also a noted symptom. Although, acute and sharp pains are not a very noted symptom in the case of Lieomyoma. In fact chronic backache is a more common symptom.

If you seem to have these symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist immediately.

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