The 7 Day GM Diet Indian Version Plan For Quick Weight Loss

Do you want to know where the roots of the GM diet Indian version began? It all started in the USA, in the year 1985 by the GM company to encourage the habit of eating healthy and clean. The GM diet or the General Motor diet was originally created for the employees of General Motors, which later spread to the rest of the world. The GM diet chart prescribes the standard American diet that comprises of the native fruits, vegetables and inclusion of beef. This was challenging to the Indians due to the unavailability of these foods in local markets, as well as the idea of eating beef.

In response to this problem was designed the GM Diet Plan Indian Version, which is tailored to meet the dietary requirements, keeping in mind the local palate! Read on to know more about this program and its benefits!

gm diet plan indian version

Original GM Diet Vs Indian Version GM Diet:

The original GM diet was designed, keeping in mind the BMR of the average Americans. This largely changes in the Indian landscape, owing to climate and lifestyle differences. While the American GM diet prescribes only beef as its protein choice, the GM diet chart Indian version relaxes it to allow popular meat choices like chicken, mutton, fish etc., Vegetarians can go with cottage cheese or Tofu instead of meat. You can also include curd, cucumbers and local greens in the Indian version!

Benefits Of The Indian GM Diet Program:

Listed Below are some of the key benefits of the GM Diet Indian Version program:

  • It makes the diet program “interesting” for Indians to try out.
  • Addition of high fibre in the form of fruits and vegetables can aid in better digestion.
  • Inclusion of Yoghurt can cool down the body from hot weather, along with increasing the gut bacteria.
  • Consuming local produce is always beneficial for you, due to the high retention of nutrients.
  • The Indian version diet is also economical, compared to the original plan.
  • You can just use your regular menu and customize it with the do’s and don’ts of the program.

See More: Gm Diet Plan For Non-Vegetarians

Do’s Of The Indian GM Diet:

Here’s a list of things you “must” do to avail the best benefits of the program:

  • Find out equal alternatives to the food choices in the original plan. For example, you can replace an apple with an orange or leeks with lettuce, depending on the availability.
  • You must drink plenty of water.
  • Rely more on salads and juices, instead of fully cooked food.
  • Replace all meat products with plant-based foods.

Don’ts Of The Indian GM Diet:

Read these points to understand what to avoid during this diet:

  • Avoid Bananas on the first day.
  • Don’t add spices or oil in your cooking.
  • Deep fries are strictly not allowed.
  • Cut down on your sugar and salt intake throughout the program.
  • Say no to coffee and tea. Switch to healthy green tea instead.

The diet mainly aims at reducing ten to seventeen pounds of weight in a week, making sure the body remains healthy. In order to burn more calories, the diet program emphasizes more on the consumption of vegetables than meat. If you really love yourself and want to flaunt the body, then with determination you need to strictly follow this program. During the diet, you cannot consume alcohol, as it will increase the level of uric acid in the body. It will also result in water retention and blockage of the natural detoxifying procedure.

GM Diet Indian Version for Weight Loss:

gm motors diet plan indian version

The Seven-Day Gm Diet Plan Indian Version Is As Follows:

Day 1: Diet Plan:

On the 1st day of the diet, you need to intake different types of fruits. You can consume as much quantity of fruit as you want. However, you should not take any banana, as it contains a high amount of carbohydrates. You also need to consume at least ten to twelve glasses of water throughout the day.

Day 2: Diet Plan:

On the 2nd day of the diet, you need to consume all types of vegetables. You can boost up your energy level by having potato during breakfast. You can also have a mixture of boiled green vegetables. Consuming vegetable soup also works wonder, if served during lunch and dinner.

Day 3: Diet Plan:

On the 3rd day of the diet, you can consume a combination of vegetables and fruits. You are still not allowed to consume any banana on the third day. You should continue consuming ten to twelve glasses of water, as this increases the process of metabolism in the body.

Day 4: Diet Plan:

On the 4th day of the diet, you can intake milk and skimmed milk. You can also include vegetable soup during lunch and dinner. For Indians, consuming yoghurt instead of skimmed milk also serves the purpose.

Day 5: Diet Plan:

On the 5th day of the diet, you can consume tomatoes, curd, and brown rice. Instead of beef, you can consume a cup of brown rice or a cup of cottage cheese. You should also include a lot of cucumbers and tomatoes on this day.

Day 6: Diet Plan:

On the 6th day of the diet, you can consume vegetables and brown rice. Brown rice is given as a substitute for beef. However, you are not allowed to consume potato on this day. It would be best to intake soybean curd and cottage cheese, along with other vegetables.

Day 7: Diet Plan:

On the 7th day of the diet, you need to consume at least two cups of brown rice along with fruits and vegetables. You can consume as much quantity of fruits and vegetables as you wish. Along with eight to ten glasses of water, you can also take fruit juice.

See More: GM Diet Veg

GM Diet Indian Version Side Effects:

The Indian version of the GM diet does come with its own set of pros and cons. While the pros have already been discussed above, it’s time to unveil the side effects of this program:

  • The GM Diet Indian version is a short-term diet plan, which can give you temporary results.
  • After the 7-day period, it is very easy to gain back weight.
  • Maintaining the same weight post-diet can be quite challenging due to a shift in the food intake.
  • The body metabolism will have a hard time burning the calories and stores them in the form of fat.
  • The restricted menu deprives the body of key nutrients, which can lead to lethargy, weakness and eventually depression.

So, those are some of the main points about the GM Motors Diet Plan Indian Version. The problem with this diet plan is its lack of a holistic approach in achieving the results. Crash diets are not good for your body and can eventually damage your physical and mental well-being. However, if you are keen on taking the diet, you must ensure that it is backed with proper exercise and a wholesome, low-calorie balanced diet to keep your numbers steady, along with making you light and active!

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