The Engine 2 Diet: Pros and Cons

The Engine 2 Diet: Pros and Cons

Created by firefighter Rip Esselstyn, the Engine 2 diet is completely plant-based and has many dietary restrictions, but it delivers on its promise of weight loss and improve health. This low-fat diet removes all animal products, processed foods and even vegetable oils from your diet, delivering all nutrients from plant sources.

If you’re a “firefighter”, you can jump right in, or if you’re a “fire cadet”, you need to take the “28-Day Challenge” to completely change the way you eat for less fats and less cholesterol.

Pros of the Engine 2 Diet

A nutritionally sound diet that follows all of the federal government’s guideline for protein, carbs and fat, the Engine 2 diet may be a big change for many dieters, but it was plenty of benefits.

The Engine 2 Diet: Pros and Cons

Short and Long Term Weight Loss Effects

Even if you’re already a vegan, the Engine 2 diet can help you lose weight in the short run, while also helping you achieve long-term success. The key to this high-fiber and low-fat diet is avoiding all vegetable oils, and keeping fat in check. When you buy canned or packaged foods, make sure that they don’t contain more than 2.5 grams of fat per 100-calorie serving.

No Counting Calories

As long as you stick to the Engine 2 diet list of foods to avoid (meat, dairy, cheese substitutes, oil, refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup and processed grains), you don’t have to count any calories and you can eat as much as you want. If you go on the “fire cadet” plan instead of jumping right in, you’ll be giving up dairy and processed foods in week one, all animal products in week two, and vegetable oils in week three.

No Portion Control

Considered more like a lifestyle than a diet by author Rip Esselstyn, the Engine 2 diet means you don’t have to watch how much you eat, as long as you stick to the list of foods you’re allowed and stay active.

The Engine 2 Diet: Pros and Cons

Will Keep You Filling Full For Longer

Rich in fiber from vegetables, fruit and whole wheat, your Engine 2 diet shopping list will only contain foods that are beneficial for weight loss and which generally keep you feeling full for longer. That way, even without portion control, you’re not likely to overeat up the point of gaining weight.

Multiple Health Benefits

Lacking fat and cholesterol, the Engine 2 diet has plenty of health benefits. It lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and it can also be used to control and prevent diabetes. In some cases, a low fat plant-based foods can also reverse diabetes.

Active Community

With or without buying the Engine 2 diet book, you’ll have access to an active online community that shares recipes, like the renowned Engine 2 diet hummus and lasagna, along with other helpful tips for planing your meals and even working out.

Cons of the Engine 2 Diet

If you’ve tried to give up animal products before and failed, this diet might not be your best choice for weight loss, since it can be difficult to follow, at least at first and won’t provide 100% of the nutrients you need.

It Can Be Difficult to Follow

While you can cook easy recipes and stick to the Engine 2 dietary guidelines even when you’re eating out, the diet can be difficult for people used to eating a lot of animal products.

You Might Need to Take Supplements

A vegan diet can lack important minerals and vitamins. Calcium, zinc, along with vitamin D and vitamin B-12 complex might be present in insufficient quantities in your food, along with n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. You can choose fortified cereal and soy milk, but you might need to supplement the diet with daily vitamin and mineral pills.

The Engine 2 Diet: Pros and Cons

Can Become Expensive

If you plan on eating a lot of organic fresh produce, along with canned and packaged vegan foods, your grocery shopping budget might increase. The Engine 2 diet book costs around $25 and you can also pay $99 for a year of additional support, beyond the free tools offered by the official site.

Exercise Is Crucial

While it’s possible to lose weight while keeping your sedentary lifestyle on the Engine 2 diet, author and firefighter Rip Esselstyn recommends exercising 5 days per week, alternating strength training with cardio. The Engine 2 book provides detailed info about an exercise plan related to the 28-Day Challenge.

Photos: Thinkstock

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