The Meaning OF Kartari Mudra and Steps To Do It

Mudras are hand postures that help in channelizing the flow of energy. Mukha mudras, mean mudras that resemble the faces of certain things or objects of nature. These mukha mudras have specific meaning and purpose behind them. Mukha Mudras are also used in Bharatnatyam to symbolize certain things while dancing. One such Mukha mudra is the Kartarimukha mudra, which means the Arrow-Shaft face or the Scissors Face. In dance, this mudra is used to symbolise many things like separation, distress, death or disagreement. In this article, we shall discuss about the meaning of Kartarimukha mudra, its purpose and the incredible health benefits of putting it into practise.

Kartari Mudra

Kartarimukha is one of the fourth mudra out of the total 28 single handed mudras. These single handed mudras are also known as Asamyuta Hasta. This mudras specifically single handed mudras are well described in Abhinaya Darpana. Kartari Mudra is known by many names. Some of the most popular names of this mudra is Scissors face or Arrows shaft face. This Kartari Mukha means scissors or a shape of an arrow. Kartari Mukha is used to denote a number of things. These things are very common and a part and parcel of our daily life.

See More: Lotus Mudra Meaning

This Mukha Or Finger Gesture Symbolizes Following Things:

  1. Two arms of a scissor.
  2. Separation or distance between a couple.
  3. Opposite or contrary nature.
  4. The act of Looting.
  5. To show two different and contrary things.
  6. Corner of a human eye.
  7. Death.
  8. Lightening.
  9. Sleeping.
  10. Falling and weeping.
  11. Creeper.

Steps To Perform Kartarimukha Mudra:

There were two basic ways of how to perform this mudra. Read along to know and understand them.

1. Ardhapataka :

Check following steps to get a detailed view of how to perform this variation of Kartari mudra :

  • You need to fully open the middle and index finger till they form a scissor like shape
  • Here, you need to maintain the similar position of ring and index finger.

See More: Kundalini Yoga Mudras

Now, Let’s Move to The Next Variation.

2. Ardhapataaka Variation:

Refer to the following steps to perform another variation of the same exercise :

  1. Here, also you need to extend the ring and index fingers fully in the form of a scissor.
  2. Here, you need to bring the ring and index finger together with thumbs by all touching all of them.

There are a number of benefits of this mukha.Kartari Mukha is immensely beneficial for human beings.

Kartari Mudra Benefits .

1. If you practise this mudra on regular basis it will gradually fade away your contrary thoughts and ideas. This will eliminate opposite and negative feelings from your life and gradually you will be left with nothing but only positivity.

2. If you watch the meeting point of all the three fingers then, you will gradually realize that your concentration and mediation is improving a lot. If you practise this regularly then you can concentrate for a very longer period of time and that too very efficiently.

3. If a couple practices this mudra regularly then their differences will be diminished or reduced within no time. So, I suggest everyone should practise this mukha or finger gesture to experience improved and cordial relationships.

4. People who are suffering from insomnia can also benefit with this finger or hand gesture. Regular and deep focus on this fingers movement will relieve your negative thoughts and worries and thus you will experience long and sound sleep.

See More: Mudra Ksepana


Precautions and Contraindications Of Kartarimukha Mudra:

There are no side effects or dangers of performing this mudra. However it is recommended to first take the guidance of a professional Yogic practitioner for better benefits.

Kartarimukha mudra fills light in the darkness of your mind. It helps you get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that enslave your mind. By performing this mudra, you can feel the joy of freedom from monkey mind and attain inner peace. This mudra also helps you practise the art of deep breathing. It can stimulate your nervous system and enable your organs to perform better. As with most mudras, Kartari mudra can help in relaxing your body and mind. To experience such divine feeling, you need to practise this mudra everyday for atleast 15-20 minutes. We hope this article is helpful to you!

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