Top 10 Common Fever Symptoms And Causes

Fever is something that everybody suffers with at certain points In their life. Fever is the increase in a person’s body temperature due to certain external or internal factors. External factors include rain, allergies, over exertion and a lot more likely factors that could stress the temperature of your body. Internal factors may include the flu, a cough and cold, bacteria or a virus, the most common virus that instigates fever is viral fever that is abundant in children and adults alike. Viral fever is mainly caused due to weather changes, bathing at night, drinking of too much cold water and many more.

Moreover viral fever is a more advanced stage of fever and affects the body to a greater level. Why weather conditions was mentioned above as a reason for viral fever is because a sudden change from weather say a change from summer to monsoon does not give the body enough time to cope with atmospheric and temperature changes and moreover if one person is exposed to viral fever due to weather changes it is highly likely that a large group of people will also be affected through face to face contact.

fever symptoms and causes

Fever Symptoms And Causes:

Today in this article we will explain details about what are the fever symptoms and what causes a fever, which are useful to know about this health disorder.

Causes Of Fever:

There are several causes of fever some of which are obvious and some of which are elusive, both elusive and obvious reasons for normal fever are listed below-

1. Weather Changes:

As mentioned above weather conditions play a key role in determining a person’s temperature changes. It has been noted that there is a spike in the temperature of 6 out of 10 people when there is a sudden change in temperature outside. The change occurs gradually but usually occurs one or two weeks into the new season. The peak season for getting fever may include monsoon, autumn and winter, monsoon being the superior of all the examples this is because the transition from summer to slightly chilly weather available in monsoon makes it difficult for some people to cope properly.

2. Contact:

Normally fever does not spread through contact with another person but viral fever has a completely different nature altogether. Viral fever as its name suggests is viral in nature that means it can be transferred from one person to another through immediate physical contact. It can spread like wildfire and is normally confused with the flu which also gives you fever and has similar symptoms to viral fever. Viral fever patients can suffer with symptoms such as cold shivers, temperature spikes of as high as 105 degrees Celsius, inability to move. All these symptoms are consistent with viral fever. Sometimes people require hospitalization when they are having fever spikes of 104 to 105 degrees Celsius.

3. Cold And Cough:

The basic illness which coincides a cold is a fever. If you have a cold there is a great chance that you will get a fever. It is actually medically proven that during a cold having a fever is a mandatory feature. A cold drastically drops your blood pressure causing a feeling of weakness and spiking temperatures in the body due to constant body temperature changes from low to high.

A fever may not be fatal at first but there has been many cases where many people exposed to high fever over a prolonged period of time normally due to lack of proper medical facilities or just because their immune systems are too weak cause them to suffer more harm than others. Death is a factor which cannot be ruled out, though the cases are less in availability it is still not a small factor in this matter.

4. Thermostat:

The thermostat is a particular area of the brain which is also known as the hypothalamus. Fever happens when this thermostat experiences a body temperature more than the set limit. This is one of the primary cause of a fever. It happens to everyone since everyone has that particular portion of the brain. People with nerve problem or a weak thermostat are more likely to catch a fever quicker than the ones who have a normal thermostat condition.

5. Virus:

One of the most popular culprits for causing fever is the fever viruses. These viruses enter into the body through the air, water, and even virtual contact (discussed earlier). It affects the lungs, muscles, etc and makes us weak from the inside. There are many remedies for avoiding the entry of these viruses but we catch a fever every now and then pretty easily. This is one of the basic reasons behind the occurrence of fever. Among the many fever causes, this particular one can easily affect anyone and can result in a nervous breakdown as well if the fever is not fixed on point.

6. Heat Exhaustion:

Sustaining more than the ideal amount of head which our body can take might also be a reason behind fever. During summers, a kind of viral fever infection is pretty common. It can weaken the cells the body aches a lot. This is one of those times where you will have to take a little extra care of yourself since the viruses can spread pretty easily.

When people fall sick due to fever their body goes cold internally. At this time, wearing warm clothes is recommended. But before catching a fever, over heat exhaustion might be a sufficient fever cause.

7. Rheumatoid Arthritis:

People suffering from arthritis issues are the prime victims of the fever virus. According to a scientific study, it was found that people who have the problem of rheumatoid arthritis can catch a fever pretty easily. The body of this people are generally weak and this is an advantage for the virus to spread easily throughout the body. This is one of the prime reasons for fever and can result in weakening of the organs or make the condition of the body really worse. It is extremely harmful to aged people and for women as well.

8. Malignant Tumor:

Among the many causes of fever, this is one of the most ignored ones. One can easily get affected with the fever virus if they have a malignant tumor. These are tumors which can’t often be removed (according to doctors) and the occurrence of these tumors cannot be permanently restricted. These tumors are generally made up of cells which grow at a rapid rate and out of control. The cells affect the nearby tissues and organs as well.People having a weak physical condition might be the victims of this cause.

9. Extreme Sunburn:

Extreme exposure to the sun is a vibrant fever cause. If you expose your body to the sun more than a certain limit, then you might catch a fever. That is why in humid places this cause is the prime culprit for causing fever. It is one of those causes which cannot be neglected.

People have to go out for work irrespective of the weather. And during summer times, this particular cause is the reason behind the occurrence of a fever. One should take proper care of themselves and keep their body hydrated as well. Since dehydration might make your condition even worse.

10. Other Causes:

There are certain times when the cause of fever cannot be specifically identified. This is pretty dangerous as even doctors cannot even figure what caused the fever. If a patient has a body temperature of more than 100F, let’s say if someone has a body temperature of 101F and the doctor is not able to figure out the right cause for the fever, then such a fever is to be diagnosed as fever of unknown genesis or origin.

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Symptoms Of Fever:

In the case of signs and symptoms of a fever, there are several that are quite obvious this will help a person to get the treatment necessary to help protect them from too dire a fever, some of these symptoms and signs of a fever are.

1. Loss Of Energy:

Normally any sickness like a cold and a fever both drain you of all the energy you have. Even with a good rest you will still feel too weak to get up and go about with your daily work. This weakness can be evaluated on two concepts, one is that you need necessary nourishment that is vitamins and minerals that your body is not getting and second is that you are getting a fever most likely viral fever. Therefore visit the doctor for a general checkup and get the necessary medication that the body needs to function and fight the fever effectively.

2. Temperature Spikes:

Another symptom of a fever are radical temperature spikes. The normal temperature of an average person is 99.8 degrees Celsius and the temperature of a person suffering with fever is above a hundred degrees but not more than a hundred and two degrees Celsius, that is the normal range that a normal fever stays in, but a viral fever normally goes above 104 degrees Celsius.  Viral fever temperature spikes are cause for concern because they have no limit to their increase. Above 106 degrees is panic limit for the body, at this point you are on the verge of overheating which in many cases causes death.

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3. Headaches:

Headaches are also a symptom of fever. These are generally caused when there is just too much exertion in regards to the brain. Overexertion leads to low energy levels which in turn may cause a fever. Headaches are a prime symptom of fever and people are generally more prone to headaches because of the pressure the brain and body is put under. If you notice to check a fever we put our hand on our fore head to assess the intensity of our body heat, it is because of this intense heat that we start to have headaches. These headaches are not a fleeting pain moreover it is a constant throbbing which continues for a long period of time.

4. Excessive Sweating:

One of the most visible fever symptoms is excessive sweating. If you sweat beyond limit then you can easily say that you’re suffering from fever and is time for medication and proper rest.

5. Shivering:

This is yet another common symptoms of fever. If you have a high fever then the symptom of shivering is pretty common. If the shivering doesn’t stop, then you must have a weak nerve condition and you should be hospitalized for a special checkup.

6. Muscle Aches:

Another common symptom of fever is the muscle aches. A lot of people have experienced sever muscle aches during fever which have led them to intake some extra medicine such as painkiller for reducing the unbearable pain in the muscles.

7. Dehydration:

If you have a fever, then your body will be dehydrated. It is time that you start consuming some gallons of water. Drinking a lot of water will definitely make you feel a lot better and also assist in the expiry of the fever. Dehydration is one of the most common symptoms of fever.

8. Casual Weakness:

Feeling weak without any specific reason? Well, of course, there is a reason and it might be a fever. If you feel week frequently then it means that the fever virus might be affecting your cells and not letting the energy to be supplied to each and every limb and muscle. This will also lead to muscle pains (discussed earlier) and random weakening feelings.

9. Irritation:

Fever can affect the mind as well and thus the mood. Irritation is pretty common during fever. One will feel irritated pretty frequently if he or she is affected with the fever virus. It will also be associated with random mood swings.

10. Hallucinations:

Almost everyone will know this. Kids have a naive mind and heart and this is one of the most common fever symptoms for kids. One will feel extremely sick and will get random visions of things that don’t have any meaning or don’t even exist. These are just hallucinations and will go away with time.

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As said above, fever is a common disease which is faced once by everyone in their life, but ever fever not always like normal and sometimes it may lead to death like swine flu and dengue. By knowing its symptoms and signs, we can control it in early stage and can lead a happy life.

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