Top 15 Penelope Cruz Without Makeup

Penelope Cruz Sanchez is a Spanish actress and infamous models and is specially known for her great performances in “The Pirates of Caribbean” series. She is one of those few actresses who started their career at a really young age. She became a professional model at the age of 15 and made her film debut while she was just 16 years old. She is one of the best looking actresses of this time and there is probably no substitute of this woman. She looks fantastic in whatever character she plays. She also looks quite pretty when she takes off the makeup from her face. She is naturally beautiful and the following evidences in the form of pictures will justify this statement.

Beautiful and Unseen Pictures of Penelope Cruz Without Makeup:

1. The With And Without Makeup Picture:

penelope cruz without makeup

This particular with and without makeup picture of this woman is really epics. On one side, it shows her face with makeup and on the other she sports her totally real face along with her probable facial flaws without any hesitation. This is one of the best Penelope Cruz without makeup pictures, you will ever find.

2. 2 Months Out:

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Penelope was spotted at the airport. She was pregnant at that time and sporting a casual outfit. Besides her massive fame and when all eyes on her, she keeps it simple and sports no sort of beauty product on her face. In short, it can be said that Penelope is in love with her natural beauty.

3. Australia Sighting:

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This picture was taken, while Penelope was busy sunbathing in a beach in Australia and also busy impressing people by showing off her natural face. If you’re looking for Penelope Cruz no makeup pictures, then this can be said to be one of the finest ones out there. One can easily fall in love with her beauty, fact being she is so alluring.

4. An Old Snap:

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Penelope was primarily a model and this picture is one of the many ones captured during that time. This particular without makeup picture of young Penelope does reveal her natural face.

5. The Stunning Reality:

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This particular bare face picture of Penelope is so damn alluring, that people will carve to see her this way. She looks absolutely ravishing without any kind of possible flaws on her skin. This can be said to be one of the finest Penelope Cruz without makeup pictures, that you will ever come through.

See More: Halle Berry Without Makeup

6. The Rare One:

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This Spanish woman who is also a mother hasn’t lost that beautiful touch in her face. She looks totally fine without makeup and pretty much sport her bare face without any makeup pretty comfortably. This can be said to be one of the best Penelope Cruz without makeup picture ever. This picture shows the natural allure of this woman and reveals how awesome she looks without sporting any sort of makeup.

7. The Lady With Pretty Face:

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Beauty is not limited with the makeup kits and Penelope proves that with her natural allure. She can look pretty awesome even when shows the simplest of her shades. This woman can happily reveal her without makeup to face to almost anyone she likes and that person will get lost in her beautiful vision of real allure.

8. In Black:

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For being completely loyal to her fans, Penelope has to go through a lot and one of them is showing off the real face. Sometimes, this can cost her some portions of fame and provide her with few ounces of humiliation, which are mostly served by haters. But she can deal with that as her natural beauty safeguards her all the time and she is confident enough that the applause from the mass audience will include some haters as well.

9. Shine Like A Diamond:

Because of her looks and her work, Penelope can be termed as a true diamond. She is the real face of beauty. If you recall beauty, then think of Penelope as that face will inspire you to say no to the makeup and yes to the real face. In this way you won’t be able to be a clone of Penelope but make a mark for yourself in the world full of fake divas who are nothing but mere mascara-applied beauties.

10. Sun-Kissed Beauty:

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This particular picture of Penelope does show her actual beauty. It is one of the finest displays of what we should actual call the diva face. Without any hint of makeup on her face, she makes up for the beauty and allure just fine. This is the real face of Spanish beauty and after such claims, this picture can be said to be one of the best Penelope Cruz without make up pictures that anyone can ever look for.

See More: Holly Willoughby No Makeup

11. Here Comes The Cuties:

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Instead of having a tone face, Penelope has got some percentage of chubbiness in her face and that makes her look even more beautiful. The kind of cuteness displayed in this Penelope Cruz without picture is beyond any expectation.

12. Walk The Talk:

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Penelope sometimes claim about beautiful naturally beautiful and she makes up for that as well by showing her natural face quite often, like in this picture, which was taken while she as arriving at an event.

13. The Airport Picture:

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Here, you get another mind-blowing display of Penelope’s face. This is one of the finest ones out there, that can justify the real allure of this woman. All the pictures, including this one prove the natural beauty of the Spanish model.

14. That Face:

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Penelope has probably the most beautiful face ever. This is a picture from one of her movies. This particular still will turn out to be a shock for all the haters.

15. The Last Stand:

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Last but not the least, this picture shows the struggle that the Spanish beauty had to endure to become successful in proving her worth in terms of real beauty. No doubt, she turned out to be victorious one. This is one of the best Penelope Cruz without makeup picture of all time.

See More: Gigi Hadid Without Make Up

After this massive discussion, one thing can be claimed for sure that Penelope is not just a dolled up model. Her beauty is unique and quite wide spreading as well. She is a living inspiration for a lot of women who are fed up with the beauty products and want to show off their real self.

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