Top 9 Adventure Cycling

adventure cycling

Adventure cycling can be quite exhilarating for those that enjoy well, adventure. However, in order to ensure that your adventure cycling expedition goes off without a hitch, you should have all the necessary requirements in place. Adventure cycling is all about travelling on a bike (quite naturally) and being self-supportive wherein you are held responsible for carrying all your gear from one destination to the other without the help or support of anyone. These adventures are quite budget-friendly and are easy to organize. However, in order for these adventures to be truly memorable, one needs to ensure that the location chosen in adventurous and challenging. Here is some of the world’s best adventure cycling routes:

1. La Route Verde:

This newly constructed route in Canada crosses the small province of Quebec from the east to the west. The route has been constructed carefully passing rural areas and enjoying the benefits of an open road. There are directions in place and signs at every pit stop. Also, the terrain is quite pleasant to cycle on with no major bumps in the road.

2. The Underground Route (US/Canada):

This particular route has a lot of history associated with it. It was developed with the purpose of honoring the slaves that wanted their freedom. This particular route has 5 segments and the site pays homage to the history of the slaves.

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3. Ruta Austral, Chile:

This particular cycle route is mostly unpaved and consists of a considerable amount of gravel. Extending for a considerable length (more than 1300 kilometers), one can also find a lot of ferryboat transfers along the way. However, one of the main attractions of this route is the scenic beauty that you will encounter. National parks are also situated along the route. Large stretches of forests can also be found in addition to famous hot springs.

4. Munda Biddi Trail, Australia:

In the native Aboriginal language, the meaning of this name is “path through the forest”. Therefore, it is expected that this trail leads through thick forests where one can get to see the magnificent Eucalyptus tree. There have been 2 extensions added to the existing extensions. When you make your way down this path, you will encounter kangaroos, possums and even a wallaby or two.

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5. Gran Fondo Campagnolo, Italy:

If you ever decide to go for adventure cycling down this route, you will be greeted by numerous fellow cyclers who enjoy the beautiful scenery the trail provides. A mass participation cycling adventure takes place every year in the middle of June after the roads are cleared of the snow that accumulates after winter. Your trail will take you past four summits.

6. Luchon to Bayonne, France:

As part of the Tour de France trail, this is the perfect route for a cycling adventure. The four major passes which one has to navigate is quite tricky and difficult and only experienced cyclists have been advised to tread the path. However, the beauty and mountains that one encounters is quite breathtaking.

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7. Route du Comte Jean, Belgium/France:

Belgium is home to some of the most natural landscapes in the world. This adventure cycling route passes through country roads and paths. You can be assured of an unhindered passage as many of the roads are closed to traffic. Mountains cannot be sighted; however, stubborn coastal winds could pose a threat to cyclists.

8. Land’s End to John O’Groats, Britain:

Land s End to John O Groats Britain

The British countryside is the perfect place for cycling. There are short and long routes that one can follow. In fact, most cyclists prefer the longer route as it poses lesser obstacles.

9. Cape Argus, South Africa:

This venue hosts an annual cycling competition with over 30,000 participants. The route has quite few ups and downs and could be quite challenging too. The coastal scenery is something to be admired.

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