Top 9 Hairstyles for Teenagers with Long Hair

Long hair is fun to play with. You can twist it, turn it, fold it and tie it in a hundred ways. While short hair has its own advantages – it doesn’t require much looking after, long hair makes you look feminine and beautiful. Besides, long hair isn’t all that difficult to manage.

hairstyles for teenagers with long hair

You just have to know the right ways to tie it up, so that it’s out of your face and still makes it look pretty! Here are nine excellent hairstyles that teenagers can try in their hair.

Hairstyles for Teenagers Girls with Long Hair:

1. Rough High Pony:


This gives you a cool hippy look. Tie it up high and make it messy. Keep all the hair out of your face or if you wish take out one or two strands and arrange it artfully to frame your face.

2. Let it Flow:

hairstyles for teenagers with long hair 2

If you have long wavy hair and are looking for an easy way to style it, just curl it slightly with a curling iron and then let it flow down your back. it will look like a cascade of shiny tresses when combed and blow dried. This hairstyle looks good with perfectly straight hair too.

See More: Summer Hairstyles For Long Hair

3. Braided Ponytail:


This hairstyle is not a typical braid and nor is it a normal ponytail. To make it you need to braid the sides and then combine it together in a ponytail. It will give you a charming princess look, especially if you add a tiara. But, it’s appropriate for teenagers too.

4. Cross Braided Side Covering:


This is a complicated styled with several braids and then some more. However, the final look is worth the time and effort put in it. so what you have to do is start with a half side braid. Then minutely braid the hair coming out of each section of this braid. Once this is done, you continue with the original braid and voila! You have a beautiful, intricate hairstyle.

See More: Simple Kerala Hairstyles For Long Hair

5. Ponytail with a Bow:


The bow ponytail is a pretty common hairstyle, especially among the teens. However, it is not as complicated to make a sit looks. Make a half pony with the top half of your hair. Don’t take your hair all out of the elastic tie. So that it is like a small bun. Separate this bun in two and use clips to secure the two ends. Then fold the ponytail over itself and take it back through the tie. Finally, secure the bow with clips.

6. Cute side Braid:


Gather all your hair as you would while making a side pony. Then braid it from the bottom in fish plaits. Next comb all the loose strands on your face and arrange them artfully to suit your face. This look can make you look proud and pretty and someone not to be messed with.

See More: Fringe Haircut For Long Hair

7. High Bun:


Really long hairs are the best for making buns. There are several kinds of buns that you can try. The high bun is the easiest and looks best. You just gather your hair on top and roll it around into a bun.

8. Waterfall Braid:


This braid takes a little more time than usual to make but it makes your hair look prettier than anything else. It’s called a waterfall braid because that’s the kind of look it provides. Your silky tresses look like they are flowing water.

9. Bow in Your Hair:


If you’re willing to use accessories, buy an elastic tie with a huge bow on it. comb your hair till its shiny and wavy. Then use the tie to make a half pony.

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