Try These 6 Home Remedies for Heel Pain to Get Faster Relief

Is an excruciating pain in your heel bothering you? Are you finding it difficult to walk or run? Don’t worry! Heel pain is a common problem experienced by many people. To help you recover faster, we have put together some of the best home remedies for heel pain. But, before that, let’s understand a little more about this condition, by learning the various causes, symptoms and even prevention methods for heel pain.

home remedies for heel pain

Causes Of Heel Pain:

If a Heel pain occurs just under the heel, it is called Plantar Fasciitis or the area behind the heel, called Achilles Tendinitis. Many factors cause either of these conditions and some of them is as follows;

  • Sore sneakers
  • Fractures, deformed toenails
  • Sporting activities
  • Improper walking
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Old age
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Standing for prolonged hours
  • Poor posture
  • Using Foot Wear with Hard Soles

Symptoms Of Heel Pain:

Apart from acute pain in the heel region, the common symptoms associated with heel pain are:

  • Inflammation near the heel
  • Feeling of “Stretching” from heel to the front of the toe
  • Difficulty standing on your heel
  • Restricted movements

Prevention Of Heel Pain:

Heel pain, unless caused by certain medical conditions like Arthritis, is better prevented. By following these simple tips, you can easily avoid this painful condition:

  • Always prefer shoes or footwear with soft soles
  • Make sure your footwear fits you well and are not too tight or too loose
  • Perform stretching exercises regularly to strengthen the muscles
  • Do warm-up exercises before getting into a physical activity such as sports
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Rest your muscles to protect them from overstraining.
  • Keep your weight under control

Top Heel Pain Treatment Home Remedies:

Here are some of the best Heel Pain Remedies that guarantee faster relief:

1. Cool and Hot Water:

cold and hot water

This cool and hot water method is one of the best home remedies for heel pain in the foot. The hot treatment stimulates the blood flow, whereas cold treatment reduces the irritation. An alternative, you can also use an ice bag or a warm pad for about 10 minutes to decrease your heel pain.

2. Kitchen Tonic for Heel Pain:

Kitchen Tonic for heel pain

This condiment mixture is one of the best natural remedies for heel pain. For this you have to blend certain fenugreek seeds, sabot, carom seeds, and a little quantity of onion seeds in the same amount. Then, grind all these components in a mixture to get a fine powder. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture every day in the morning. If you apply this kitchen therapy, then in a few months you can get full benefit in heel pain.

3. Epsom Salt:

Epsom Salt

If you want rapid relief from heel pain, then Epsom salt is very effective because of it sooth your pain. Mixing Epsom salt and hot water help kindly to release aching and relaxes the feet. Steep your feet in a wash covering 3 tbsp. of Epsom salt for around 20 minutes. As the salt frequently ends up thirst your heels, therefore you have to apply some lotion after drenched them.

4. Cayenne Pepper:

Cayenne Pepper

Try Cayenne Pepper as a natural heel pain cure. Cayenne pepper is an ironic basis of capsaicin that is recognized to release muscle aches and discomforts, muscle strain, arthritis, aching feet as well as lower back pain. Uncertainty, in the cold environment you experience heel pain then scatter certain cayenne pepper in your socks earlier placing them on as this supports to retain your feet warm. As a substitute, you can also mix ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper precipitate to half a container of hot water and steep your feet in it for a few minutes and you will definitely get relief.

5. Massage Treatment:

Massage Treatment

Massage is the best remedy for heel pain. This is because it stimulates blood movement as well as comforts muscles. After massaging your heels, you will get quick and instant pain relief. You can massage any time in the day but advised to perform the later physical workout.

Precautions: If you are pregnant or have an underlying medical condition, consult your doctor before getting a massage done. Stimulating certain pressure points may be dangerous in these conditions.

6. Ice Remedy:

home remedies for heel pain

Ice is considered to be one of the severe heel pain home remedies. This beneficial homemade remedy for heel aching comprises rolling an ice-covered juice container otherwise a cold drink bottle below your heel arch beside the foot sole to catch some comforting sensation. Smear ice cubes on the heels for around 15-20 minutes and leave it for 40 minutes to warm up. This process helps to permit normal temperature and feeling to coming back to your heels as well as decreases related problems like tenderness and puffiness.

We hope these home remedies for heel pain can help you feel better soon! Heel pain is a bothersome issue that can seriously hamper your life. Every single step you take can be agonizing. Don’t make the mistake of popping in a painkiller every time you encounter this pain, as it can lead to internal damage. Just try these methods to get instant relief and if the pain lasts for more than a week, check with your doctor to determine the root cause.


1. Is it ok to Ignore Heel Pain?

Any pain that lasts for more than a week cannot be ignored. You can use the home remedies only if the pain is caused due to short term factors like footwear, injuries or to as an additional pain relief mechanism. If you experience frequent attacks of heel pain, you must consult a doctor and get a thorough medical checkup done. Negligence can lead to permanent damage to the area and cause unbearable pain and limping, all your life.

2. How do I Make Sure My Heels Get Additional Comfort in The Shoes?

A common problem faced by many people, particularly those who wear shoes regularly, is with their soles. Due to wear and tear issues, the soles can get hardened, leading to heel pain. The best way to overcome this issue is to invest in gel pads or memory cushion pads, which can offer both comfort and support. You can use them in almost any type of shoe without having to burn a hole in your pocket.

3. What is a Heel Spur and How is Related to Heel Pain?

If you have a noticed a protrusion inside your heel that can cause severe pain, it is a heel spur. This is caused due to excess calcium deposited inside the region, that hardens to form a bone-like structure. Heel spurs are quite common among sportsmen, who indulge in a lot of physical activity. They can be treated with certain medications and in extreme cases, may need a surgical intervention.

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