Weight Loss Foods for a Slim Figure

Weight Loss Foods for a Slim Figure

Committing yourself to a harsh diet can make you lose your motivation. There’s no need to torture yourself with food deprivation, instead you can opt for a time-tested and easy method to shed a few extra pounds.

Use the following list of weight loss foods for a slim figure to re-think your diet plan and cut back on calories without even noticing it.

Kobacha Squash

This pumpkin can help you lose weight if you decide to embed it into your meal plan. Raid the supermarket for this veggie super-rich in vitamins and fiber. Cut the squash up and place the slices into the oven for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy this delicious serving each time you wish to pamper your tasting buds with a guilt-free meal.

Weight Loss Foods for a Slim Figure


Tame your cravings for salty snacks with pistachios. These fiber-rich foods are perfect to be able to stick to a balanced meal plan.

Grab a handful of pistachios and keep your blood sugar on the ideal level. Feel fuller for a longer period of time to resist the temptation of munching. Reduce the calorie intake with these no-fat diet snacks.

Fava Beans

These veggies are high in iron, copper, magnesium and vitamin B1. Offering your organism a sense of satiety for a longer period of time, the consumption of fava beans can help you lose weight without extra effort.

Keep your metabolism on top speed with the best slimming food options. Purchase fava beans fresh or frozen and prepare the most ambrosial meals.


These fruits are some of the best diet snack options due to their high vitamin C and fiber content. Consume stomach-filling pears on a regular basis to lose weight without feeling starved. Maintain the perfect functioning of your metabolism with these fiber-rich and delicious food items. Eat pears raw and combine them with low-fat yogurt or other tasty fruits.


Pamper your sense with this tasty fruit. Prepare ambrosial shakes or fruit salads using strawberries. A cup of strawberries contains only 49 calories, therefore these serve as the perfect snack to tame your cravings. The tiny slimming foods are rich in potassium and vitamin C, two elements essential for the perfect metabolism.


This is one of the most beloved diet snacks of celebs. Prepare your favorite recipes using prawns and keep your metabolism on high speed. These diet foods are rich in protein and will help you control your hunger. Experiment with this slimming snack option for dazzling results.

Weight Loss Foods for a Slim Figure

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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