Weight Loss Smoothies and Recipes

Weight Loss Smoothies and Recipes

The secret to lose weight in a healthy way is to follow a balanced diet plan and a regular workout routine. Organic fruits are perfect to furnish your organism with the necessary vitamins to boost your energy.

Furthermore, it is also important to keep an eye on your calorie intake that plays a vital role in preserving the ideal weight. The following weight loss smoothie recipes are perfect to enjoy the delicious taste of the various fresh fruits and veggies. Moreover, you’ll also have the chance to avoid the temptation of munching. During the warm season you’ll have the opportunity to prepare ambrosial drinks that keep you cool and give you the impression of satiety.

Watermelon Smoothie

Watermelon, thanks to its high water content, will allow you to lose weight more easily. Prepare this smoothie from a few slices of fresh watermelon you can mix with a cup of low-fat milk and a few ice cubes. This nutritive treat can tame your cravings for refreshing drinks. Get rid of extra pounds by including this recipes into your diet plan.

Weight Loss Smoothies and Recipes

Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Pamper your tasting buds and organism with this healthy strawberry and banana smoothie. Use a blender to mix a banana with 6-7 strawberries and ½ cup of low-fat yogurt or milk.

The smoothie you’ll prepare will do miracles with your body and allows you to control your calorie intake. This drink will be extremely delicious during the summer when you long for a fruity delight.

Mango and Orange

Combine these tasty tropical fruits to create a delicious smoothie. Use a blender to mix ½ cup of mango chunks, a few slices of orange and the necessary non-fat milk to achieve the ideal texture of the smoothie.

The anti-oxidant content of the fruits along with the myriad of vitamins will boost the functioning of your metabolism flushing out the fat from your body. This weight loss smoothie can detox your organism and it also has a magical effect on your silhouette. Drink at least 1 cup of it on an empty stomach.

Peach and Almond

This smoothie recipe requires no special ingredients. All you have to do is grab a blender and mix 1 peach with 1 tsp of ground almond and non-fat milk. Besides pampering your senses, this delicious drink recipe will also serve as the best treat to have a firm control over your blood sugar level and calorie intake. Pro nutritionists advise you to drink at least 2 glasses of this smoothie per day.

Blueberry and Mint Smoothie

If you’re fond of refreshing and delicious drinks, it’s time to find out more about this easy recipe. Use a blender to mix 2 cups of blueberries with 1 sprig mint and 1 cup of low-fat or almond milk. Blueberries are some of the most efficient fat flushing fruits. Embed them into your complex diet to make sure you do your best to have a streamlined silhouette. Combined with mint, blueberries will have the power to increase your energy and help you lose weight.

Weight Loss Smoothies and Recipes

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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