Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Every season has a few beauty trends that really push the limits of style and often end up among the worst trends that are both unflattering and plain bad. Take your pick from the weird beauty trends of 2020 and decide which one might be worth a try and which to avoid at all costs.

From makeup and hair trends to nail art and the newest Asian social media phenomenon, check out a few really bizarre beauty trends that you might soon spot on the streets.

1. The Finger-Trap Test

Weibo, China’s biggest social network, helped spread the finger trap test, a so-called “beauty and ugliness identification method”. The ridiculous new trends advises you to find out if you’re beautiful or ugly by touching your index finger to the tip of your nose. 

At the same time, touch your chin with your hand. If you lips happen to touch your finger, that makes you beautiful according to the finger-trap test. The social media phenomenon has been ridiculed by many, since even Victoria Beckham seems to fail, while her husband David passes with flying colors.

2. Bindis

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

These traditional Hindu forehead accessories are definitely among the weird beauty trends in 2020. Selena Gomez seems to be their biggest fan. She wore a bindi at the MTV Movie Awards, then made the forehead jewelry part of her 2020 Coachella look. If you’re worried about cultural appropriation, you might want to give this one a pass.

3. Hair Knots

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Inspired by Miley Cyrus, hair knots are getting bid with teens and young girls, but if you’re over 14, you’re better off skipping this trend. It’s not even that original. Before Miley, Gwen Stefani tried to make it work, but both are a riff on traditional Bantu knots that were created for afro-textured hair. Just like bindis, it’s probably a good idea to be culturally-sensitive and skip this trend.

4. Two-Tone Eyeliner

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

One of the weird beauty trends in 2020 that debuted at Fashion Week, the two-tone eyeliner (one color for the upper eyelid, a contrasting one for the lower one), might seem uber-trendy, but it’s definitely not a very wearable look. The bold combination of blue and yellow created by MAC Cosmetics lead makeup artist Kabuki for the runway show of The Blonds collection is just too bright for most women, but feel free to play with shades that create a less jarring contrast.

5. Stiletto Nails

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

There’s little room for improvisation when it comes to the shape of your nails and this trend should definitely be avoided. Getting your nails to resemble talons isn’t that hot in the first place, but stiletto nails are also highly unpractical.

6. Latex Paint as Eye Shadow

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Seen on the runway during the Dior show at Fashion Week, the latex paint look created by makeup artist Pat McGrath is definitely intriguing. Applied to the upper eyelids, then covered in glitter, the latex paint look is definitely one of the cutest weird beauty trends in 2020. Best part about it? You only need to peel it off when you’re done.

7. Hair Bows

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Making a subtle bow with a cool ribbon is the right way to wear this trend. Over-sized bows that flop around in your hair are the less flattering way. Hair bows should remain exclusive to the style of very young girls, but if you want to try it, stay subtle.

8. French Tip Nail Art

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Embellishing the classic French tip manicure is one of the weird beauty trends in 2020. While the classic look might seem boring, tacking on crystals or studs doesn’t improve it at all. If you’re passionate about nail art, you’re better off going for actual iconic art. Stick to something simple like pop art, not the Mona Lisa.

9. Cartoonish Eyebrows

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

Full and natural eyebrows are still a hot trends, but filling them in up to the point that they look drawn on with a sharpie is a bad idea. If you like thicker eyebrows, don’t pencil them in, because you don’t want to end up looking like a cartoon character.

10. Extreme Ombre Hair

Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2020…So Far!

It’s already getting old, and newer interpretations of ombre hair are definitely among the weird beauty trends in 2020. Go for a more subtle ombre effect, not for a big contrast if you want to give this hair coloring technique a chance this year.

See also:Worst Celebrity Beach Bodies

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