What are the Common Upper Back Pains and their Symptoms

Upper back pains are usually signs of stress, injury or a sprain caused due to lifting of heavy weights. However, it is important that you know why you are experiences an upper back pain considering the location of pain being unusual.

Statically most individuals are bound to experience back pains at some point of time in their lives. In most cases upper back pain, the place being below the neck, in between the shoulder blades or towards one of the shoulder blades is caused due to injury or poor posture that can be easily treated or corrected. However, a careful study of the symptoms of upper back pain can lead us to its cause, minor or major, hence making treatment easier.

If you are sure of good posture, no stress on mind and any possible sprain and you suddenly start experiencing discomfort, the signs of upper back pain are to be analyzed at the earliest to avoid any health risks it may cause.


Myofacial Pain and its Symptoms:

  1. Myofacial pain in the upper back is not as common as back injury or strained muscles. However, it is a chronic pain that may prove to be a lifelong challenge.
  2. The on start of myofacial pain in the upper back is often sudden. Though the causes are largely unknown, orthopedic specialists think it is the by product of strains or injuries to ligaments, tendons or muscles in the upper back.
  3. Myofacial pain is characterized by ongoing pain that may vary from mild to severe. In such circumstances it is fairly common to have pressure points on the upper back which are sore upon touch.
  4. Applying pressure on these points may cause the pain to intensify and the muscles may be taut and hard at these points.
  5. Other symptoms of myofacial pain in the upper back may include, light aching, intense burning or a stinging pain. Weakness in the upper back is also fairly common.

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Scoliosis and its Symptoms:

  • Scoliosis though not very common is also another cause for upper back pain. While the average spinal cord is straight and upright.
  • A spinal cord affected by scoliosis is known to be S or C shaped. While scoliosis is a generally mild birth defect or abnormality caused due to injury, if severe it can lead to intense upper or even lower back pains accompanied by difficulty to breathe.

Kyphosis And Its Symptoms:

  • Kyphosis is characterized by a rounded spinal curvature that often results in a humped back.
  • Kyphosis is largely a birth defect however it is often brought on by osteoporosis.
  • Common symptoms of kyphosis are a chronic upper back pain that is often accompanied by the difficulty to breathe.

Osteoporosis and its Symptoms:

  • While men are not totally excluded, women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis as they age.
  • Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone strength that causes the bones to become brittle and easily broken or fractured.
  • Osteoporosis is known to affect the upper back by causing compression fractures of the back bone.
  • Common symptoms are a curved back or a hunch and a gradually intensifying back ache even as the condition worsens with time.

See More: Symptoms Of Lower Back Pain

Osteoarthritis And Its Symptoms:

  • While osteoarthritis is known to affect the joints all over the body, it often affects the cartilage that cushions the facet joints of the spine causing them to break down. This in turn causes the back bones to grind against each other causing intense pain.
  • Osteoarthritis is a common age related ailment much like osteoporosis. Some of the symptoms of those suffering from upper back pains due to osteoarthritis are stiffness, especially after being in repose for an extended period of time.
  • The pain is almost always accompanied by muscle weakness, deformed joints, and an inability to move in extreme cases and also the cracking and creaking of joints.

Injury And Its Symptoms:

  • The most common cause for upper back pain is injury that may be caused by a number of factors.
  • The symptoms here are generally sudden onset of pain that lasts till the injury has been treated and healed.

When to See a Doctor?

Here is when an upper back pain needs immediate medical intervention

  • Shooting upper back pain that radiates to your chest or stomach as it may be a gall bladder issue.
  • Upper back pain that radiates to left hand accompanied by discomfort in breathing. This may be heart attack.
  • Upper back pain accompanied by numbness and tingling sensation radiating to chest and arms may be some spine issue.

Any upper back pain that causes discomfort and interrupts with your daily activities definitely needs a medical intervention. Anything that feels normal stress related pain can be ignored.

See More: Upper Back Pain Causes

Now that you know when you need to worry about your upper back pain and when you can just buy some time and try home remedies, just stay calm and relax.

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