What Causes Coughing at Night & How to Stop Naturally?

One can have a nightmare for having a sleepless night because of Cough which shows its appearance in the night when everybody wants to get a silent sleep. A cough is a reflex action by the Human body to fight against foreign particles or thick mucus formed by the body due to various reasons.

What Causes Coughing at Night - How to Stop Naturally

Major Causes of Coughing at Night:

Here we share some causes for cough in the night time??

1. Gravity:

The main cause for a cough in the night is the Gravity says Mitchells Blass an MD specialist. when we lie down straight our gastroesophageal reflex action comes in and leads in polling of the mucus which in turn leads to a cough.

2. Viral-Cough:

Cough induced due to the viral infection which causes the mucus to become thick and it drains back down the throat. The viral infection causes inflammation of the throat and triggers the cough center.

3. Asthma:

Asthma is caused due to i hyper responsive action of the tracheobronchial smooth muscle to various external stimuli which results in narrowing the tubes. Exposure cold during night time increases the risk of a cough induced due to the asthmatic condition.

4. Lung Diseases:

Like bronchitis, tumors which cause airway distress and difficulty in breathing especially during the night.

[See More: Cough Syrups in India]

5. Medicine induced Cough:

Causes Medicine like Angiotensin converting inhibitors causes a cough due to the accumulation of kinin mediators in the respiratory tract and it increases the cough reflexes.

6. Tuberculosis:

Not show Tuberculodo does not show any major symptoms since the bacteria can thrive in a human body without effect to the body. When the bacteria thrives for many days then it causes a dry cough which increases with swelling of lymph nodes.

7. Heart Problems:

Conditions like congestive cardiac failure cause persistent dry cough along with wheezing. The phlegm may be tinted with blood when there is lung infection along with heart failure.

8. Smoking:

Smoking causes the cilia in the lungs to become non-functional which leads to accumulation of a toxin. In order to remove the toxins from the body, the people who smoke end up coughing especially during the night.It is also called as Smokers cough.

9. Sinusitis:

A persistent cough which is a dry cough is caused due to irritation of the throat and the inflamed airway passage and also aggravated due to dry air environment which makes it more difficult for us to breath which is typically seen during sinus inflammation.

Natural Remedies to Control Dry Coughing at Night Time:

Here are top 9 helpful remedies brought out which will help us during a disturbed sleep caused by cough.

1. Herbal Tea with Honey:

Herbal tea with Honey

Any hot drink without milk which is decaffeinated with honey helps in breaking the mucus fibers and clears the airway passage which calms down the throat from coughing. This type of home remedy is easily available at home at any point of the time in the night.

2. Taking a Steam:

Taking a steam

A dry cough is mainly caused due to the decrease in moisture content in the throat. To make the throat moist and reduce the irritation the best remedy could be taking a steam and inhaling the steam vapor. The steam can be either taken with plain water or medicated water either with the nasal drop or medicated oil like eucalyptus oil.

3. Salt Water Gargling:

Salt water gargling

Salt has got the property of anti-bacterial effect which helps in breaking down the mucus and soothing the throat by moistening the throat lining. The sputum is made up of irritants, bacteria which leads to infection and swelling of the throat. The swelling is reduced by the effect of osmosis in which the salt concentration increases outside the cells during gargling makes the water from the cells to release which indeed reduces the swelling. Salt water gargling brings in good relief immediately. Excessive salt water gargling should be avoided,  since it may cause dryness of mouth.

4. Vapour Rubs:

Vapour Rubs

Vapour rub has the ingredients like eucalyptus and herbs which play an important role in suppressing the nasal congestion. It is an external topical application balm which is applied around the throat region which passes into the skin and helps to subside a cough. This kind of vapor can be made at home by using coconut oil, eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender oil or by using eucalyptus oil as a rub.

See More: Coughing Diseases List

5. Garlic for Cough in Nighttime:


It is a Pharyngeal Demulcents which helps in soothing the throat during a cough in the night. It comes as a chewable medicated candy with different flavors which dissolves in the mouth at a slower rate by releasing the medication which contains menthol, dextromethorphan and an anesthetic agent like benzocaine which helps to slightly numb the throat region against coughing. It helps to reduce a cough by moistening the throat and suppressing the nerve ending which triggers a cough in the night.

6. Turmeric for Coughing at Night:

TurmericTurmeric has many therapeutic values, one among them is the anti-bacterial effect. It helps to break the mucus formation and destroy the growth of bacteria. A good cup hot water with one tablespoon of turmeric along with black pepper make it boil and drink daily until  cough subside. Another method could be grinding the turmeric root making it as a powder and consuming it along with water and honey will also soothe the throat from coughing.

See More: Dry Cough Symptoms

7. Onion Remedy for Cough at Night:


Breathing in the strong vapor of onion will definitely help to stop from coughing. Using one teaspoon of onion juice along with honey daily two times will reduce the inflammation and prevent from coughing.

8. Probiotics:


It provides the human body with a lot of benefit against microorganism,  in probiotic, there are strains of bacteria which to build up immune system which fight against cough inducing bacteria. According to the recent studies conducted by British Journal of Nutrition, Bifidobacterium bifidum a particular strain of bacteria helps to fight against cold and flu. Yogurt, pickled vegetables are a good source of probiotics.

See More: Cough Medicine

9. Mint Leaves to Relief from Night time Cough:

mint leave

Mint leaves are most useful in curing cough for asthmatic patient.It has got the anti-bacterial and expectorant effect which helps to break down the phlegm. One drop of mint extract into lukewarm water consumption gives a soothing and relaxing effect for the throat.

Cold and cough is always a disease encountered in any humans life. The way to diagnosis and treat the underlying cause is the simple way of getting rid of the sleep depriving cough. The cause can be either external or internal factor. When cold persist more than a week then doctors consultation is highly recommended. Over the counter, the drug has to be strictly avoided due to its adverse side effects. Cough syrup which has less dosage can be used only when someone is sure of their medical history to avoid any an aphylactic reaction or the best way to treat a simple cold is by using home remedies which give a good relief. For kids, it is best to consult a doctor before administrating any medicines.

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