What is Shanti Yoga and their Significance

The word ‘shanti’ means peace; hence the term shanti yoga mainly refers to the kind of yoga which mainly causes peace to the mind, body and soul. It helps one to discover that part of life which had remained unknown for this long. It has got no limitations or conditions. It does away with all the traditions and rituals; this is what gives this kind of yoga a new dimension.

Shanti Yoga Poses and Benefits

It helps the body to get rid of day to day stress, aches and tiredness. It also allows the body to get rid of adrenal stress and minor ailments. The major role of this yoga is that it helps one to cope with over emotions and gives the strength to manage them conveniently. This kind of yoga also includes meditation which in turn helps the body to take in a lot of oxygen which automatically makes the body feel light and fresh.

See More: Ayurveda Yoga Poses

It includes asanas which help the body joints to strengthen. It cures the back and hip bone, knees and ankles. Pranayama or meditation helps the mind to concentrate and think over issues which caused agitation. This kind of yoga doesn’t include extensive kinds of physical activity instead it heals the body from within and makes a person mentally stronger. This therapy also takes into account the ayurvedic principles. This means that naturally processed food and organic therapies are adopted to cure humans. Processed and preserved food is avoided.

This therapy helps a person to get rid of all his or her perceptions and starts conceiving new and reforms notions. One starts analyzing same things in a better way and comes up with better solutions. The shell of ego and dogma breaks which makes the person lighter and increases the confidence level.

As mentioned earlier, shanti yoga doesn’t really imply to physically strain oneself. It means to think and live freely. The major part is to allow the body and mind to heal and realize that there is much more other than the materialistic world. The essence of truth is to be given importance.

A small walk in garden or reading a book which might enlighten up one’s mind, painting an image or simple cooking can also turn out to be therapeutic.

To indulge one into activities they love can be extremely helpful. It helps the mind and body to relax and also might help to come with better solutions for life problems. Chanting or going for holy trips is also a way to treat oneself.

Meeting people whom you love, relaxing, having good food and a simple stroll can also turn out to be effective. Watching movies and also having a group discussion can be helpful. Talking to someone with the same mental level of yours or blurting your heart out to your friends can make you feel better.

If one decides to choose the other way round the regular yoga postures, stretching of limbs, correct breathing techniques, posture correction and meditation can be ideal for a person. The best part about this kind of yoga is that one can alter it according to one’s own wish.

Even the instructors are quite liberal when it comes to this yoga. The main agenda is to make the patient feel comfortable and free of stress. If the client insists to not perform certain activities then the instructor generally goes with the flow and tries to grab the interest points of the client.

See More: Moksha Hot Yoga

This kind of yoga is the best way to make one feel relaxed and to calm down one’s mind. It makes the person realize that there is a much better place than we all know of and hence, moving ahead with a goal will turn out to be the best option possible. The person will automatically start experiencing the difference after a few sessions of this yoga. It mainly promotes doing activities which makes the soul happy and enlightens the mind.

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