When hot weather’s coming, wearing a skirt is the perfect way to cope with the high temperatures and even show off some of your femininity. But sometimes showing off too much or too little of your legs may be a fashion no-no. Read on to see what is the right type of skirt for you!
Wearing a skirt is a sign of femininity – and Scottish pride in some rare cases – but if you are a woman, you must wear a skirt once in a while. The summer is the season when it is most likely that all women wear skirts at least once due to the high temperatures.
So, there are basically three types of skirts available for you to choose from: the long skirt, medium sized or midi-skirt and the mini skirt.. Each of these comes in many shapes and cuts (bubble, tulip, pencil, a-line etc.) but basically, it all boils down to a few fashion rules that you have to obey in order to look right in a skirt.
The long skirt is a nice piece for petite girls, as it will lengthen the figure and if it features some stripes the effect will be amazing. For full figured women and girls, the long skirt is not recommended, even if you have thought otherwise. The length will only make your figure fuller, and you would be better off with a medium length skirt. Also, women with nice legs shouldn’t be hiding under long skirts.
The medium sized skirt is excellent for full figured women and girls. The cut of the skirt should be free, and you should avoid getting a skirt that sits tight on your hips, especially if you have some extra pounds deposited in the area. The medium sized skirt, combined with a tighter top will make your figure look hourglass shaped, which is a much desired effect. The most popular medium sized skirt in this season is the pencil cut skirt; this one should be worn with care- meaning that if you have a more prominent tummy, it won’t be in your advantage. However, the pencil skirt is great for women with a nice figure, and wide-hipped women.
Last but not least, the mini skirt is a star in this season. Again, handle this item with care, as it is suitable for only those girls that have beautifully shaped legs. And this is a rule that must be kept. The mini shows a lot of skin and any extra pounds will show, so if you have chubby legs, forget about the mini skirt, opt for something else. The mini is suitable for apple shaped figures (having some fat deposits on the upper side of the body, and lean legs) – a larger blouse (which is again a hit in this summer) is advised. And remember, the skirt is a declaration of confidence, freedom and sexiness, provided you choose the right skirt for you!
Photos: ASOS.com